Here's my story. Mine probably doesn't sound too different from anyone else so here goes...
I've had psoriasis since 2002 but didn't know that it was psoriasis. Its only in three spots in small patches and it's been more of a nuisance than anything. In 2008, I started having back pain and eventually had to have an anterior lumbar intrabody fusion (ALIF) in 2014. Since then, i've had all kinds of aches and pain in joints and tendons all over my body. My feet really started hurting last year with plantar fasciitis and swelling in my toes. I've also had severe tennis elbow in both arms. In addition, I've had toenail fungus for almost ten years (or what I thought was fungus). It was only in March that I finally saw a rheumy doctor. He studied my medical record, took tons of X-rays and did blood work. He said that if he didnt see anything in the xrays or labs, that he would schedule me for an MRI. Well turns out he saw everyting that he needed to see. He diagnosed me with PsA on 01Apr and started me on Otezla immediately. Said that my feet xrays were 'text book' for PsA (along with my history). The Dr said that Otezla doesnt really kick in for two months but I have to say that my foot pain has decreased since I started taking it. I can now kick my shoes off using my feet. Thats something I havent been able to do for over a year. He also explained the side effects and I've had all the ones that he described. The tension head ache and upset stomach havent been fun but they're not showstoppers. My biggest problem so far is dizziness and fatigue. 2 days after i started taking the medication, I got a bad chest cold. I have to caveat that by saying I have a one-year old daughter who brings home every cold that comes through her day care so it may only be coincidental. So i've been on Otezla for two weeks and I'm curious to hear about the dizziness and fatigue. Have others experienced this? I'm assuming (hoping) these symptoms will subside in the upcoming weeks. I'm also curious about the tennis elbow? Does anyone else match this description? Thanks!
Welcome to the group dg5570! I'm glad that you were able to get a diagnosis now and get started on meds. A lot of these drugs take time to build up in your system, as you already know.
In terms of the cold you caught, as long as you recover from it without complications, I wouldn't really think anything of it. A lot of times people don't get sick more often when using these meds, as the meds target part of your immune system, not the whole thing. Talk to your doctor about the dizziness and fatigue. . . . Could be side effects, but I don't know. And you're right, sometimes side effects will pass with time.
Tennis elbow, yeah, that's a classic. Soft tissue problems such as tendonitis are part of the disease. The problem is that they can take a while to go away. Sometimes a steroid shot can be helpful. Sometimes PT can do wonders, in terms of strengthening the area around the joint.
Starting off welcome! Yes, I couldn’t have written a more likely scinerio myself to my same symptoms. I only have 3-4 spots at most no more than 2-3" rounds of psoriasis. I started with back rib issues on off since teens and now all chest involvement. My feet and toes started after diagnosis with swelling and cramping all the normal stuff. I also dealt with tennis elbow but found that mainly related to work and have been able to eliminate it with a brace and adjusting hammering techniques. Getting a solid diagnosis is such an empowering first step being able to handle everything that comes with it really makes this group wonderful! Getting real info on expectations and meds along with SE support is ideas helps tremendously for not just you but all of us here. I am very interested in knowing more about how otezla has worked for you as it is a newer drug and one my rheumy is pushing if my humira increased doesn’t take. Glad to meet you!
I tried Otezla for about 4 months without success but I didn't have any bad side effects. The only thing it did was decrease my appetite so I lost about 10 pounds in the time I was on it.
Welcome DG5570! Great to hear that you are having some success with Otezla already. Hope it continues to improve things for you, and that the side effects don’t last long.