Hi there Seenie Thanks so much for taking the time to respond to this just now!!! I’m pleased to hear you are on holiday, and not away due to being unwell I do hope you are having a blast on your holiday!!!
Never underestimate the value of experience, in anything, most especially with this darned disease, as much as it sucks having to go through that experience!!!
My understanding with the MRI was to help deciding where to go with further meds… although I do wonder if it was really gathering some solid evidence to convince Pharmac (they are the body that need to approve funding for meds here). Although I nearly meet all of the Pharmac requirements to qualify for funding my CRP would need to be over 15, or ESR over 25, or I would have needed to be on Prednisone (greater that 5mg) for 3 months… this is the last hurdle for funding, unfortunately my CRP and ESR never get that high (mostly well within “normal” levels), so short of 3 months worth of Prednisone I think the rheumy might have been hoping to find sufficient evidence to push Pharmac so I can get started on one of the biologics. She gave me the choice of areas to get scanned, although she wanted to do one hand, I suggested a foot and ankle… as that’s where the pain and stiffness have been consistent for the last 2 years, my feet/ankles are pretty much a matching pair as far as symptoms go but I chose the left foot as apart from the bone spur under heal there is an odd one on the side of my left foot (the radiologist did comment on the planter spur, but no mention of the one on the side of the foot, which is what one of the things that made me suspicious she had not reported on the whole foot)… The rheumies had already felt inflammatory arthritis, and seem to suspect PsA, although the more experienced one did say that the tenosynovitis he felt in my hand ONLY comes from inflammatory arthritis, most usually RA.
In short… nothing shows on x-ray as yet, and the MRI shows no bony erosions (a good sign that this can still be stopped in it’s tracks) or ligament issues (interesting given that at 17 it was deemed I had ligamentous laxity, which was what I first assumed the ankle problems stemmed from, when they showed up in March 2016, other joint problems had been hanging around on and off for years but the ankles and feet were a new thing and I figured were just from a sudden increase in walking).
As for PsA diagnosis, my GP thought that was the most likely one, given that I do get bouts of mild psoriasis off and on… the rheumies seem to prefer an inflammatory arthritis diagnosis, possibly PsA. All a bit of a crap shoot I think
Oh boy, do I understand the menopause/OCD/drug seeking category we so easily get thrown into… I am very fortunate to have a GP who understands that I don’t want/can’t take opiods… what I need is effective treatment so that I can function at a far better level than I do now, and hopefull will be able to do so for years to come. He’s a real sweetie
To date medication seems to have had “some” benefits, the titcotil some seem to reduce pain levels enough to say my body soon lets me know if I’ve missed one LOL, the Mtx does seem to have (mostly) helped my hands, but all the leflunomide seems to done is increase hair loss LOL… hmm… despite all those meds, I still have effusions, I guess that in itself should prove that current meds are not quite up to par
Oh, boy, do I understand how important the feet/ankles are… they are definitely a handicap as they are, even though I can still walk on them (limited distances though)… since losing a chunk of my visual field, therefore not being able to drive anymore my feet and ankles have become even more of necessity
Phew… that’s a heap of explaining LOL In short, ankles/feet have been a problem for a little over two years now… the pain and stiffness in them was a new thing when it started in March 2016, and have been consistent ever since… the only time I got relief for my ankles was on 40mg of prednisone (given for lung problem), and that was only for 4 days.
I am doing my best to be proactive with “the powers that be”, and to that end once I saw the MRI report and realised I couldn’t make head nor tail of it I phoned the rheumy nurse (at the hospital) who explained that yes the effusions were inflammation, and agreed that seemed the radiologist had only reported on the ankle and hind foot… she is going to see if the MRI pics can go before the radiology panel meeting next week to get their take on the rest of the foot, and will get the rheumies to phone me when they get back from the overseas conference they are currently attending… my guess is I will hear from them sometime this coming week (hopefully tomorrow), so it could be an interesting week LOL
Thank you soo very much for taking time out of your busy holiday to respond here, it is MOST appreciated!!! But please do go and ENJOY what is left of break, have fun with your companions!! After all, that’s the whole idea of a holiday