Mouth sores

Does anyone else get the giant mouth sores. I am on methotrexate, folic acid and naproxen. I am getting huge mouth sores on my cheeks that are excruciatingly painfull and take days ( this one currently at 7 days and no end in sight) to heal. HELP!

Yes I did. I called my doctor. They changed my Folic Acid to leukovorin. But it could also be colds sores due to immune suppression. Best to see the Doc.

I used to have them all the time, years ago. Rheumy then thought it was a side effect of all the meds.
I went to my dentist, he had these swabs that hurt like hell to apply, but helped them heal and stopped the pain.
I also kept track of what I was eating. I noticed a few trigger foods. I don’t recall all of mine, except chocolate, which really bums me!
Good luck