Morning stiffness

How are people beating morning stiffness? Mine is lasting five plus hours and it is exhausting. There are times I do not even want to go to bed for I know mr mornings will be horrific. Any reccomendations will be helpful.

I have a comfortable mattress with a thick memory foam topper, which helps a lot. My husband brings me a heating pad (or two!) to put on the worst areas for 10-20 minutes before I get out of bed. I sit up in bed, and stretch and move my joints a bit before getting up.Then, on really bad days, I try to get into the shower right away to help things along. I also do a little, then rest a little, then do a little, the rest a little, until I'm feeling up to really getting into the day - or until the pain meds take effect!

Hi Rebel,

I know, I am even stiff only after being in bed for a few hours and need to use the bathroom. Sometimes I have to stretch out as much as I can before getting out of bed. There are times that I have to do stretches or exercises in the middle of the night just to be able to straighten out enough to stand up straight or lay back down. It does not take long for my back to 'lock up'!

A hot bath and heating pad help me as well. Walking is the best thing for me, once I can get up right and straight.

So sorry that you also go through this, hope our suggestions help you out!



Mornings are really rough! My knee, foot and hips are so stiff that I have to stretch then when I do get up I need to use the wall for support or my leg tries to give out. Usually after taking it slow for a couple of hours I feel more confident I'm not going to fall. I think I need a better mattress, there are nights that I get so little sleep because there is no way to get comfortable!!!
