Magnesium Sulfate cream?

Yesterday I saw this in the pharmacy. It is magnesium sulfate cream, and they claim that you would get the same benefits you might get from an Epsom Salt bath without having to take a bath. It was a little expensive so I didn't think it would be a good idea to buy it impulsively without researching. Has anyone tried it? I get great benefits from baths with Epsom salts; they practically make me fall asleep, and are better than regular hot water baths. I just think that this cream sounds too good to be true. Anyone tried it?

Its expensive to buy dirt cheap to make along with other products. I grew up with the stuff. My grandpa was an old time compounding pharmacist. The used to sell recipies to each other. I have copies of some of his best. Now that epsom salt baths cure autism, you can find lots of recipies from them

Thanks Lamb. I was actually hoping you would have info on this. I have never heard of this cream. On a side note, as a mother of a son with autism (now an adult and diagnosed long before it became fashionable to do so...) I certainly hope you are being sarcastic when saying that this cures autism. In fact I don't think I'll be visiting that website as I cannot stand those sites touting "cures" for autism.

But, my main question was... does anyone find this cream helpful for the achiness and pain that we have with psoriatic arthritis?

We are raising a low functioning autistic grandaughter., so of course I was being sarcastic. Its a great recipie so just grab it and get out. I assume they were talking about the calming effect of epsom salt baths. Frankly I couldn't stop laughing when I read the mom who wanted lotion. I'd dare Seal Team Six to try and rub lotion on my GD.

Those people have no idea. Thanks Lamb, I will give the recipe a try.

There is a lotion out there made by Morton. It is simply called Epsom Lotion. I use it when I can't get in and out of a bath tub. I bought it at Walmart but you can also find it online.