So I spoke with the medical assistant today. She said only partial results came back for some reason. She thought that was odd but most of it that came in shows that I would not have lupus. She said as of now they’re comfortable saying I don’t have it but when we get those other results of course there is a small chance it could change. So I am happy but being cautious.
The assistant I see everytime I go had PsA and Lupus for the last 12 years. … just thought I’d share. She has been really sweet through my diagnosis process…
That was an interesting read thank you! I’m glad that they’re starting to learn more about it and will hopefully be able to prevent many people from struggling with this disease.
Wanted to jump in on this one. I just got blood work done for drug induced lupus today. I’ve been dealing with pericarditis since January, and I think something clicked with the rheumy today. I’ve been on Enbrel for almost 5 years so it seems like this is longer than would be typical, but I guess anything is possible.
So my blood work came back okay (overall) so no drug induced lupus. I will temporarily up my prednisone per dr’s orders, and I will follow up with a cardiologist. I’m hoping that there are other options beside colchicine and prednisone, or that we can get somewhere better than where I am now at least. But at least I get to continue using Enbrel.
I have Remicade Induced Lupus. I was on Infusions or 7 years+. of course we stopped the Remicade but the Lupus in all it’s glory is still with me. it has been almost 2 years now but everything I have read says it can last anywhere from weeks to years.but like with PsA its a big…’“who knows?” Aside from the joint pain I usually have, what has bothered me the most is the fatigue. It is unlike anything I have ever experienced and hopefully one day soon, I will wake up , my ASA will be negative and i will no longer be totally exhausted. I wish you this best of luck with this, truly.
Stoney, Oops just read this post. i apparently have been reading posts out of order. So glad the Lupus was negative. I have had PsA for 39 years and just 2 years go I was hit with Lupus, Sjogrens and Raynauds. Talk about a hat trick huh? But in retrospect Sjorgrens and Raynaus has been with me a lot longer given the symptoms. I just blew it off because I just didn’t care at that point. We patients get that way at times.