Just one more thing

I finally had to stop dealing with all the severe arm and neck pain and agree to let neurosurgeon perform a myelogram on my neck tomorrow. I know it will mean one more fusion. My neck will be fused from C2 to C7. I hope it eliminates the bulk of the pain in my upper back and arms. If it does, hopefully, I will benefit overall. I’ll keep everyone posted.

I just stopped the Humira Saturday and I am feeling it today. I have to be off it for 3 weeks prior to surgery and 4 to 6 weeks after.

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That’s a big Fusion. Are you trying to catch up with my mom? She has most of her cervical spine fuse now, and she has most of her lumbar spine fused as well. She just actually had to have a revision, because one of the rods broke in her lower back.

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Is PsA a contributor to such extreme spinal surgery?

No. An idiot with a cell phone contributing to spine problems, He rammed me at 50 MPH.

Best of luck with the operation @tamac

Well…the doctor evaluate the myelogram and told me today that he didn’t think fusing all of my neck was a good idea C3 and C4 is the only unfused disc). I’m not sure if that was good or bad news. He said all of my neck was arthritic and I had a few bone spurs, but just didn’t think it was a good idea to do more surgery on me. So, we will try some epidurals. I asked him what happened in 6 months if I was still in all this pain? He said he didn’t know.

Sounds like a good news/bad news issue. Sorry you’re still experiencing these difficulties.

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Some people with PsA do get trouble with their spines degenerating. I, and at least a few others here, have ankylosing spondylitis and degenerative disc disease. PsA is really the gift that keeps on giving. However, I was diagnosed in 2011-ish and got good treatment right away because I had severe psoriasis as well. I received biologics right out of the gate. Overall I’m doing okay. As long as no one messes with my bio I stay pretty functional: work, billiards league, avid hiker, and nurse.


How did your epidurals go? Any relief?

It has been a week and things are a little better. Neck is somewhat better, but it is not going to cure the problem. They do not want to seem to do them as often as they use to, so I’ll see.