It's working

So I went back to the lovely PsA clinic in Bath yesterday. Max dose of sulfasalazine - 6 tablets a day (taken for the last month) is deemed presently to be working. And should increase its effectiveness over the next 3 to 6 months. I told her my bar was the effectiveness of proper dose steroids, she told me nothing is ever quite as marvellous as that but given my present reactions I would cope just fine. We were both laughing at this stage. What a stunning lovely doctor she is, despite my almost addiction to the lovely effects of effects of steroids, which I stopped in June with only a short 8 day course in mid September to enable me to actually enjoy being on holiday in the Lake District.

So I remain an excessively cheap date for the NHS for now and given how well I do on this drug as regards side effects etc, which are non-existent, that’s just fine by me. I’m told the weird breakthroughs of pain and incapacity (shortlived) should diminish too. Pain relief is now just Naproxen, Tramadol is needed about once a week or even less. In due course I’ll start reducing the Naproxen too. Still too scared to just now. Still healing those pelvic fractures really. Those happened in June and I reckon by about January, my pelvis will finally have forgotten it was fractured oddly and without any reason they can find.

So baring truly awful flares, I’m so hoping I’m finally just getting a little ahead of this disease for the time being. It’s been an awfully long 2 years since the truck that is PsA hit me all of a sudden.

Hopefully for some of you this will help show that good old traditional DMARDS can actually do something positive, especially one as benign as this one is to me at any rate. Phew! Now let’s hope I don’t have to eat those words anytime soon. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


That’s fantastic!

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Wow!! That’s just the best news I’ve heard for a while, am sitting here with a BIG smile on my face… so happy for you!!!
There is no reason to expect this will not keep working for you… and if at some time in the future it seems to do so, you now have a great rheumy who I’m sure will soon sort something out :smile:
Stay positive!! I’ll be keeping fingers crossed for you that you are definitely now coming out of that awful gap and well on the road to being able to feel good for a lot of years to come :sunny:

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Ok, anybody tell me which is the happy dance emoji? :joy:

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I clicked “like” only because there is no button for “LOVE LOVE LOVE”. What great news. Have a wonderful weekend.

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That’s great! Gives me a lot of hope. Been on 6 SSZ for nearly a week now, not noticed much difference yet (except for weird little flare ups when I change the dose :confused:), so hoping something happens soon. Everything crossed and so glad for you :slight_smile:

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That’s great news!

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After a month or nearly 5 weeks now on 6 tabs a day, it’s better but not quite enough. However I was really was lectured by my rheumy last week to not pass judgement till at least 4 months from now. She’s also hugely aware of my inability to be patient too. I love her but there’s times I so wish she wasn’t so lovely and goddamn right so often too. Here’s hoping for you too.