It's been a while since my last post

Just wanted everyone to know I've been doing very well. So well in fact that in June my Dr took me off all my medications.

Things started to improve about 2 years ago for me. I wasn't feeling the effects of the arthritis as much. I decided that was the time to make some major changes in my life. So I removed pop (soda) from my daily drink. I was drinking about 2 litres of Diet pepsi per day. It took me all of 2 weeks but I was able to get off of that. Strickly water and occasional Milk from now on.

Once I lost 20 ibs from dropping the pop I decided that I'll try to keep up on the weight loss. At the same time my work has a weight loss challenge which I decided would be good to participate in. 10 of us put $20 bucks in the pot and so we did 6 weeks of weight loss. Feeling pretty good about losing the 20 ibs already I knew I had to work harder to win. The easy part was over. I decided to do 10,000 steps a day and got myself a watch with a step counter on it. I also didn't just diet. I just controlled my portion sizes which I thought was a better choice. I used an application call MyFitnessPal and counted my colories daily. I also used TRX equipment which was small and cheap to do some exercises.

After the 6 weeks was over, I had lost another 30 ibs and won the competition by a landslide. For the next 6 months I stopped exercising but maintained eating smaller portions and walking 10,000 steps per day. I managed to keep most of the weight off, struggling with 5 ibs gain/loss only.

Because of the hard work with the weight loss and keeping the weight off my Dr. felt it would be a good trial to take me off my medications.

I would like to add, I don't think that this will be for everyone. You must listen to your Dr and make sure that they are ok with any of this. I do plan on losing more, I know I can.

Well done you!! Glad you’re feeling so good. Its great for us to hear good stories and definitely a good thing for newly diagnosed people to hear that clean living can make a difference :slight_smile:

WOW! We love hearing good stories. Not everyone can do what you’ve done, but making an effort to eat well and exercise does pay off! Thanks for checking in, Jackson J!

I'm an exercise and good food freak too. I didn't have to lose weight, but I did need to build up my muscles a few years back. My mobility is great now. No way of knowing whether it would have happened without my addiction to walking & spinach ..... but I suspect they've played a part. Great post, thanks for sharing your good news.

Hi! I am living with PSA past 4 years. I want to share with you that my Rheumy has withdrawn all the medicines like ARAVA, METHROTOXTE etc seeing no further improvement but loosing my health further 4months back.. He advised me to go for Biologics immediately. But I just wanted to take risk and consulted my Gen Physician who agreed with me to observe for some time before taking Biologics remedy. Now I have been taking Calcium and Vit D along with med for Uric Acid for Gout control. I am under Physiotherapy and Massage almost 5days a week. Taking normal Veg & Non veg diat with some harbal remedy for controlling Blood sugar. Thanks god I am feeling better than earlier and planning to attend the spiritual Kumbh Bathing occasion now going on at Nasik in Maharastra, India next month all alone. Please pray for me. Take care.

rudradey, it's so good that you're feeling better. I imagine that bathing at Maharastra will be quite an experience. Take good care and if you get time perhaps you'll tell us all what it was like and more about how you are these days.