From my blog, rannygahoots:
Oh, I love it! (The story about the expectant mother space.) I haven't been fussed at by people, but I have been given many dirty looks. They really don't understand that the people who are driving around with the placard in the window are in the wrong. Just because I whip it out when I pull into the spot doesn't mean I'm somehow doing something wrong! The people driving with it are the incorrect ones. I am actually pleased to be looking middle aged now b/c I don't get nearly as many dirty looks when I am using "just a cane" but parking in the disabled parking spots with my disabled parking permit. People just don't believe that young people who aren't confined to a wheelchair on an everyday basis need those spots. I am thinking of switching to the disabled plates next time just to avoid this. I had hesitated b/c I have read some opinions that it sets you up as more of a target for crime, but I am thinking that is not born out by any kind of study.
i can soooo relate to this and am SO happy you called that man out:)
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, Nym, I LOVE your posts!!! They always make me smile. :)
ROFL right on, Nym! I have very painful feet, and one foot is showing some deformity that is causing the rheumy -- not to mention me! -- some concern. Until I can get into an orthopedic specialist, the doc is saying "stay off it as much as you can". I'm actually thinking about asking my podiatrist about an aircast-like thing that will give my foot all-round support until I can see a specialist. When I showed my husband a picture of the walking cast/brace, he said "oh, that's pretty big and obvious". My response was that big and obvious might be a good thing, at least others will know that my disability isn't sloth.
I was at a holiday party last month. I was in really bad pain, and exhausted. I mentioned to the person who I was talking to that I'm battling erosive arthritis in my feet, and the person got a glazed look in her eye and said "Oh well, we all have our aches and pains!". Invisibility ... yes, a problem.