I suppose I have had psoriasis since I was a teen, but didn't know it. I have always had rough hands, more like a working man that a girl, and oh my goodness my feet!! I always thought it was just that I had really tough, thick calluses. They were ugly, and they would crack and hurt sometimes. I thought that I must just not be using a pumice stone enough, or something. I would soak them, shave off calluses, and pumice them for ages. But it never made any real difference, and usually only led to more cracks. My Dad had feet like mine, as does my brother. So I just always thought is was our family's "thing." Our "funky feet." A couple of months ago, my hands and feet got a lot worse. Then, my nails got involved. And now... it looks like I'm in a full blown flare of psoriatic arthritis.
After going back and forth to the dermatologist, rheumatologist, and my family physician all summer, I'm about to start Humira. I'm nervous, but hopeful. I'm lucky to have a wonderful husband who is staying on top of the things at home that I can't handle right now. I think I'm most worried about my job. Not sure how this is going to play out, and I teach 2nd grade. That takes lots of energy, and energy is in really short supply these days for me.
I'm glad to have found a group that seems to be active, supportive and knowledgeable. Look forward to getting to "know" y'all.