
I had a family member last week ask my husband what was wrong with me. He replied she has an autoimmune disorder and if you have any questions about it you should ask her. Instead she chose to go and tell every person I know that I have AID’S and they should be careful due to the fact they may catch it because she was not intelligent enough to understand that autoimmune disease is not HIV.

It doesn’t help the situation that it’s very apparent something is wrong with me so people got scared and I’ve had my husband tell me that three people have asked him. when I cheated on him who I caught the AIDS from.

I really do feel that people should have better things to do with there time then talk about others they should try and put all your efforts towards doing something positive for the world.

Just needed to vent lol

Too bad it's a family member, so you likely have no choice but to deal with her. Although. . . If she's foolish enough to think that you have AIDS, maybe she'll stay away from you.

Oh, my - what a HUGE misunderstanding and confusion of medical ailments!!! It seems there isn't a clear way to describe our condition, no matter what words we use. I hope you're able to get it sorted out with family and friends soon!!!

I am sorry you have this stress to deal with on top of the stress brought on by autoimmune stuff. I think you need a t-shirt that states, "I have psoriatic arthritis, an autoimmune disease. Won't you help the cause by donating for research today?" That will stop her from gossiping, while waking folks up to what we have and deal with. Hugs.

This family member is IGNORANT period. She obviously isn't well versed in understanding aids either, unless she thought you had AIDS and was planning a community wide orgy she did not need to alert everyone to be CAREFUL around you. I am sorry you have to deal with such ignorance, I would confront this person, nicely or have your husband say something since he was the one who actually had contact with her. I am sure he is upset with how she handled it and feels bad about how it has effected you.. My husband, if asked just says she has psoriatic arthritis and lyme disease. If you want more information she would be happy to discuss it with you. I have dealt with ignorant people for years dealing with lyme, my son is struggling with lyme disease also. Don't let UGLY people effect you but part of that is standing up for yourself!

As my 8th grade math teacher used to say "there is no accounting for intelligence, some people don't have any"

She was referring to me.... She had just told me I couldn't rest on my laurel's because I didn't have any and" you do know what laurels are don't you" said I "of I course I do, they are your butt cheeks.....and everybody has them"

She didn't hit me until I said (after the intelligence comment) "and I know why you are a MISS Waginal instaed of Mrs. (she was part of the retired teachers they brought back during a huge teacher shortage)

I wish therwas soemthing smart I could say, but "there is no accounting for intelligence, some people don't have any" Imagine how foolish shes' s going to be when it becomes known You don't have HIV.....

That is unbelievable ! So ignorant. So sorry you and your husband had to deal with that.

I’ve read your post several times Sheena and just don’t know how to respond! My first instinct was to want to grab this person by the throat! ( And I’m not a violent person). A day later and I still feel the same! I’m so sorry you and your hubby have had to deal with this level of ignorance. X

The funny part was I just tried to explan it to her slowly and still she dose not get how it’s not aids. I even tried to tell her that the two diseases are so different and even a person that des have aids can’t give it to u just by being near them or touching them. The sad part is she’s not a domb person I think she just wants to beleave what she wants.

Pulse I don’t really think she gets what kind of damage she has done ppl always want to believe the worst even when my husband tells ppl it’s not true they still push to believe it is. I just told him to stop trying its not worth the energy

You are right, it is not worth the energy. Can she read, maybe give her a website to explore! It sounds like she could use an education:)

Sheena said:

The funny part was I just tried to explan it to her slowly and still she dose not get how it's not aids. I even tried to tell her that the two diseases are so different and even a person that des have aids can't give it to u just by being near them or touching them. The sad part is she's not a domb person I think she just wants to beleave what she wants.

Pulse I don't really think she gets what kind of damage she has done ppl always want to believe the worst even when my husband tells ppl it's not true they still push to believe it is. I just told him to stop trying its not worth the energy

What a shame that people cannot ask a simple question or take a few seconds to use the greatest reference tool in the history of mankind!

Sounds like it is time to send out flyers defining your condition!

So sorry you have to go through this yet!

OMG I want to smack her too.You find out who your friends are when you have an illness or diseaease like ours. Thats for sure. Good for you for not wasti g any more energy on this. Flyers sound like a brilliant idea LOL

I am really appalled by the reaction your relative had. In the first place, if you did have AIDS, people would not have to be 'careful' around you! (Imagine the horrors poor AIDS sufferers go through in this regard!) Secondly, by refusing to comprehend your actual illness, to not allow you to properly explain 'auto-immune', and by spreading such absurd, almost malicious nonsense, she is causing a whole flurry of foolishness I imagine. I would seriously consider making a simple flyer, and mail it to everyone in your address book. Don't make it sound pitiable - just refute the AIDS theory, explain the REAL issue, and politely thank everyone for 'their support'. I would also add something upbeat like: "See you at the Thanksgiving Festival" or whatever might apply, to emphasize that you are still an active part of society.

Best of luck. I feel for you. Such idiocy!