I need to Vent, arggggg

Ok, here it goes,

Between, aching joints, G.p appointments, Rhumy appointments, running and racing, Methox, then liver being upset, come off Methox, then xray, Mantoux test, then Mantoux test positive, now waiting on xray results, also call from Rhumy, dont know whats going on, what does it all mean, will I or wont I be on Humeria, then, also Dentist, have to get two nerves out, gives me 10mgs of diazapam as i ap super sensitive, cant numb me, rings 3 orthadontist, and his consultant brother doctor in Dublin, still cant numb me so probably have to have iv drip to get work done, so tired today, it actually hurting typing this note,elbows, fingers, Waiting, Waiting, Waiting, Tests, Tests Tests, and more Tests, And STUPID TEETH, ARGGGGGGGG,

Thanks for listning, probably wont make sense to anyone, lol

I also have back teeth that won’t freeze! My dentist Had to do a filling with my under at the hospital. He said he has a few patients that can only get 75-80% frozen due to the location of the nerves. Worst thing is The last trip for a cleaning and he tells me the filling cracked and needs to be redone! So I can relate to the dental stuff for sure!!

Hope the rest of your day goes better. Try to get some rest =)

My test is positive. Rheumatologist then gave me another new blood test that had to be done out of state. That too came back positive. Said I need to see infectious disease doc. Oh, forgot to tell chest X-ray is normal. Anyway, went to infectious disease doc and had another PPD test, which needs to be read tomorrow. Looks negative so far and I'm going for Quantoferrpm TB Gold today. That's another blood test. So first of all even if we come back positive it usually is latent, but I am seeing an infectious disease doc to treat me if I go on one of the biologics, like Humera, etc. If it is latent TB we just need to be on one of one antibiotic for around 6 months. My rhuematologist said she could start me on the Humera in one month after starting the antibiotic treatment. Now I just need to get enough strength to get to lab this morning for the Quantiferron blood test. Good luck with your tests too. Also, you might want to start using Sensodyne toothpast. This is just an idea. I do know that it has made a difference with my teeth pain in general.

Who cares whether it makes sense! You're suffering and miserable and the rest of us know how that feels. I know that the waiting and the uncertainty is worse for me than dealing with what I've got. You're probably the same.

Take care, I hope today is a better one than yesterday.


I use sensodyn already… Deffinately helps with the hot cold sensitivity. I hope your tests go well and they can figure out a solution to get you some relief!

Sheila DeRuzza said:

My test is positive. Rheumatologist then gave me another new blood test that had to be done out of state. That too came back positive. Said I need to see infectious disease doc. Oh, forgot to tell chest X-ray is normal. Anyway, went to infectious disease doc and had another PPD test, which needs to be read tomorrow. Looks negative so far and I’m going for Quantoferrpm TB Gold today. That’s another blood test. So first of all even if we come back positive it usually is latent, but I am seeing an infectious disease doc to treat me if I go on one of the biologics, like Humera, etc. If it is latent TB we just need to be on one of one antibiotic for around 6 months. My rhuematologist said she could start me on the Humera in one month after starting the antibiotic treatment. Now I just need to get enough strength to get to lab this morning for the Quantiferron blood test. Good luck with your tests too. Also, you might want to start using Sensodyne toothpast. This is just an idea. I do know that it has made a difference with my teeth pain in general.

I'm with Seenie! I swear doctors have know idea what it like to WAIT. I'm sure my disease gets worse because of their time issues....ha!

Hope you feel better today and soon you'll have the answers needed.


Thanks guys, you are all so kind, just off phone to rheumy and he says provided the chest xray is clear
He will start me on humeria, he says 7mm isn’t very strong and probably
Braise of bcg injection, so he is out of country next week so back to
Him on the 22nd :slight_smile:

Hate to say "I told you so". But I told you so. LOL, great news, sjg!!!!! OK, so it looks like you're cleared for take off with Humira on the 22nd. I do hope it helps.


Roni said:

I use sensodyn already... Deffinately helps with the hot cold sensitivity. I hope your tests go well and they can figure out a solution to get you some relief!

Sheila DeRuzza said:

My test is positive. Rheumatologist then gave me another new blood test that had to be done out of state. That too came back positive. Said I need to see infectious disease doc. Oh, forgot to tell chest X-ray is normal. Anyway, went to infectious disease doc and had another PPD test, which needs to be read tomorrow. Looks negative so far and I'm going for Quantoferrpm TB Gold today. That's another blood test. So first of all even if we come back positive it usually is latent, but I am seeing an infectious disease doc to treat me if I go on one of the biologics, like Humera, etc. If it is latent TB we just need to be on one of one antibiotic for around 6 months. My rhuematologist said she could start me on the Humera in one month after starting the antibiotic treatment. Now I just need to get enough strength to get to lab this morning for the Quantiferron blood test. Good luck with your tests too. Also, you might want to start using Sensodyne toothpast. This is just an idea. I do know that it has made a difference with my teeth pain in general.

Sheila DeRuzza said: Thank you, it's been so hard for me to get to the point of just going on the Humira that sometimes I think maybe it's a sign that I should not go on it. To tell the truth the drug does scare me. I just cannot deal with being any worse then I am.

Roni said:

I use sensodyn already... Deffinately helps with the hot cold sensitivity. I hope your tests go well and they can figure out a solution to get you some relief!

Sheila DeRuzza said:

My test is positive. Rheumatologist then gave me another new blood test that had to be done out of state. That too came back positive. Said I need to see infectious disease doc. Oh, forgot to tell chest X-ray is normal. Anyway, went to infectious disease doc and had another PPD test, which needs to be read tomorrow. Looks negative so far and I'm going for Quantoferrpm TB Gold today. That's another blood test. So first of all even if we come back positive it usually is latent, but I am seeing an infectious disease doc to treat me if I go on one of the biologics, like Humera, etc. If it is latent TB we just need to be on one of one antibiotic for around 6 months. My rhuematologist said she could start me on the Humera in one month after starting the antibiotic treatment. Now I just need to get enough strength to get to lab this morning for the Quantiferron blood test. Good luck with your tests too. Also, you might want to start using Sensodyne toothpast. This is just an idea. I do know that it has made a difference with my teeth pain in general.

Hi ...hope you dont mind me joining in (this is my first time) I have been on Humera injections for the last 7 weeks. I have to say that the actual injection hurts like hell but ...... i really am starting to feel the benefits. I can get up and walk without the stiffness and it is taking the edge off the pain of my PsA. they say it takes 2 - 12 weeks to feel the full benefits of the drug ....so it can only get better ....carnt it ???

Hope you feel better soon .....sometimes we all need to vent x

Great to hear you have a plan now. Fingers crossed for the 22nd for you and I hope you will have some relief soon. Good luck!

Thanks for all the messages of support, will keep you all
Updated . Wishing you all a pain free day :slight_smile: x

Sonjessmags said:

Hi …hope you dont mind me joining in (this is my first time) I have been on Humera injections for the last 7 weeks. I have to say that the actual injection hurts like hell but … i really am starting to feel the benefits. I can get up and walk without the stiffness and it is taking the edge off the pain of my PsA. they say it takes 2 - 12 weeks to feel the full benefits of the drug …so it can only get better …carnt it ???

Hope you feel better soon …sometimes we all need to vent x

Made sense to me. I had a root canal back in June (was it July?) Mercifully, I seem to be repressing that memory already! YAY It was an awful experience. No dental work is ever fun, but it's even more stressful when you are already dealing with a dozen other things. Hope you get your tooth/teeth taken care of quickly and have a great outcome!

You know how they say docs would make lousy patients? I think it's because they would find out what it's like to WAIT WAIT WAIT and then, WAIT WAIT WAIT some more. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr

Okkkkk this is sooooo annoying, I feel like crap, I’ve put on so much weight well
Mostly fluid, diagnosed. In sept, took my fourth humira on Monday, but still not feeling greT, joints a lot better but still very sore,
My knee where I had 2 arthroscopeys , and was told there is no more that can be done only knee replacement
Has swollen up with fluid badly, don’t want to go to surgeon as I’m 42 And want to wait until I really have to, before I have knee replacement
Also rest of body is so blown up, my face, and my tummy looks like I’m ready to give birth, the women might understand this one,
I had my third merina coil put in last jan but I havent been right since, but in the last few weeks I’ve had serious lower belly pains with bleeding which I never had before???
Also I had submandibular gland removed a few years ago but guess what, other side is now swelling up again, I’d say due to another stone, arggg so what I wAnt to know is whyyyyyy