A culture is required to confirm a Dx of psoriasis. That is to insurance companies and manged care types. If the only place you have it is your nails its really hard unless they pull out your finger nail.......
Fibro once thought to be a mental health issue and eventually a disease is now becoming a "condition" Its not that it doesn't exist, it just that since pain management became a profit center for a number of medical practices (some states actually have store front pain management clinics) they have started to learn it can be caused, and really isn't the same thing. In some ways its becoming easier to get treatment for rheumatic diseases and in others more difficult. Pain is and will continue to be subjective.
As a result rheumatology has a bad rap (and honestly it in many cases deserved) within the medical community. Rheumys prescribe more (and more expensive) drugs than anyone. Doctor shopping is common with their patients looking for a "solution" in a bottle. My wife's brother found over 200 bottles of pills in wife's cupboard to treat her "chronic pain" prescribed from 5 different Rheumys. 12 weeks in Rehab fixed her problems and cured her "chronic pain" She started over. PT, a good NDAID and NO narcs/anelgisics. She still has "pain" but now she is in charge.
The problem with rheumatic diseases is like Mimi, they don't get Dx'd until there is damage. (and permanent) I have no personal knowledge of anyones REAL dealings with their docs, but I will tell you this Good sleep, good exercise, and anti inflamation meds is becoming the standard of care. The actual incidence of Hyperalgesia is becoming greater and greater. Treating causes of pain FIRST and the pain itself LAST as the best/first course of action is becoming more common. The problem is if there are any amounts of Narcs and other anaelgesics present the treatment of the source has NO WAY of being known whether or not its successful as analgesia may well be the cause.
A lengthy discussion with any doc as to his philosophy, course of action etc. is critical. They assume you trust them and are on the same page, and we assume they hear and understand us. You know what they say about ASSuME. It makes an ASS out of u and ME. Have the discussion before you start not week into it......You might be surprised at how differently things go...