Humira fatigue

I haven't been on this site in forever. I have been struggling off and on with getting my insurance to authorize Humira. I also had other health issues that needed attention and I couldn't afford both. Therefore, I took it for a few months then had to wait a few more etc etc. Anyhow, I have restarted it and I can say that it helped my pain/inflammation within the first 2 shots. But my problem is the fatigue! I already have fatigue just from the PsA, stress, depression, but I fight that everyday. But when I take my shot, I absolutely collapse the next day, sometimes 2 days. I'm talking have to force myself to even move! Is this normal? Will this get better over time? Or is it just adding to my already stressed physical/mental situation. Just curious if this is normal and if it might get better over time?

Hi madseason, I joined this group in spring of 2014 and I'm not sure I've seen you in any discussions up until now. I don't know if anyone has ever said Humira caused such terrible fatigue. I thought that was one of the PsA symptoms the biologics were supposed to treat. Maybe its just that Humira isn't quite working fully? Did you have the horrible fatigue after taking your injections during the first round of Humira--you mentioned you took it for awhile and then stopped for a few months?

I have nearly the exact opposite results from Enbrel. I'm not saying I've turned into Wonder Woman, but I seem to have energy to burn (not that I'm burning it constantly either--I do sit in my easy chair in front of the boob tube a couple hours every day). I wish everyone would have the good results I have, but I wouldn't wish the damage I have from not treating my PsA for several years. But, even still, I'm happy for the 17 80% PsA/psoriasis-free months I've enjoyed so far from Enbrel. I don't like not knowing how long Enbrel's going to keep doing its magic or if my immune system will stay strong enough to allow me to stay on it, but I wish the biologics would work as well for everyone as Enbrel works for me.

Hoping the fatigue is something that's going to clear up and you can feel closer to perfect soon!

I don't get any untoward after effects from Humira but I do get intermittent fatigue. I reckon that occasional fatigue is a lot better than the non-stop version!

Do you take Mtx alongside Humira? It's so often thought to boost the effects of Humira. I'm having a rough ride with Mtx in some respects (long story) but having recently re-started it I find that when I do have good energy levels they're better than ever.

I wish I could draw an 'improvement graph' that just edged steadily upwards, with no dips, but I don't think my PsA does that, whatever drugs I take and however good they are generally. However I'd say that in the first year or so of taking Humira the improvement was more and more noticeable over time.

I think the struggle is tiring, there's an element of battling ourselves. I'm trying to give in a little to 'down days', not crawling back under the duvet but just accepting that I'll be a bit miserable and quiet and that everything will be that bit more difficult, while reminding myself that the clouds will pass.

Hi! Sybil and Grandma J have give you some lovely words of wisdom. I would add that fatigue is almost always a sign on the disease running rampant. So while you may notice the Humira beginning to work it might have a lot of ground to make up.

See if you can talk to your doctor--by phone call/email/carrier pigeon if an appointment is not possible--about your fatigue. It is not a typical side effect of Humira and is probably a sign that you may need to either give the Humira a chance to catch up after the gap in treatment or that you may need something else to support you. I've included some of my story below as illustration.

I have taken Humira for two years and went through a very prolonged flare even while on Humira. My dose was upped to once a week (from fortnightly). This REALLY helped me out initially but I spent 6 months doing pretty badly even on Humira. So another DMARD (Otezla) was added to the mix. The combination of the two is really working right now--so much so that I forgot to take my Humira this weekend because I felt great. HOWEVER I still get tired quickly and can run out of steam sooner that I would like. At the end of the day, no matter how aggressive our treatment plans, we still have an autoimmune disease that is working us day in and day out!

I hope you get some answers and energy soon. Best to you.

Hi Madseason,

Check out my post about Chaga mushroom tea. It took care of my mind numbing fatigue and as long as I drink my tea every day, it hasn't returned.

As with all complementary therapies it's important to run them by your docs and a pharmacist to check for any interactions with other meds/otc meds/vitamins/minerals/herbal remedies you are taking.

alaska miner said:

Hi Madseason,

Check out my post about Chaga mushroom tea. It took care of my mind numbing fatigue and as long as I drink my tea every day, it hasn't returned.