Hello, a very nice lady from NRAS forum introduced this site to me and here I am.
I have psoriasis for years and been struggling with joints pain for nearly three months, also with proper checking up and referral.
All my blood tests are in normal range but my feet (ball) in series pain whilst walking, and my finger joints are painful if I try to do anything with them. one of them looks swollen although my ESR and CRP are normal. and the colour of the joints looks a bit darker than before.
My GP said there is no inflammation in my body so he had referred me to a physiotherapist, he also said he doesn’t have any evidence can be used for a rheumatologist referral? The appointment for physiotheropiest is on this Saturday
The GP also said the physiotherapist will be able to make a referral to rheumatologist if necessary…
I have been reading posts on this site and you guys seem very kind and helpful, very info sharing. Can I get some suggestion what should I do.
I rang the Bath Royal Hospital for Rheumatology today as the nice lady mentioned above has told me they are the best in the field, and I was told I have to get referral letter from my GP and the waiting time is 15 weeks! So I called for a private consultant and been told that the cost for consultation is 220 pounds without any tests or scanning. I can accept this price but not sure how much does cost to get a proper scan?
I had X-ray on both of my feet and knees a month ago, GP said nothing wrong. But after a lot of googling I learnt that X-ray doesn’t tell much. Do I need to get a MRI or ultrasound done before making appointment with private consultant? Or can I ask my GP for this? I guess he is getting bored of me… Ahhh, Bath said I also need referral letter for private consultant.
If unluckily diagnosed with private consultant, I will need to pay for the first medications, what is happening next? GP will prescribe the pills and monitor my blood? what if there is a need to change medicine?
I also noticed there is a clinic called early inflammation arthritis clinic. But didn’t find one for PsA.
Do you have any good recommendations? I live in Bexley, Kent.
This is becoming too complicated now. I believe the earlier get treatment the better in case of PsA, but it seems everything is trying to make this harder…
I also noticed that there is a disease called neuropathy in feet, the symptoms look same as my feet, but will this spread to hands and fingers? I currently don’t have any sausage fingers or toes. But do have 3no funny looking nails.
What would you do if you are in my shoes?
Thanks guys.