Hello - Greetings from Southern South Australia

I suffered from Psoriasis from my teen years. It was always in my hair, on my elbows, and knees. When my children were born it cleared up and I didn't suffer all that much. Over the last 10 years or so, it has started back in my hair, spread to my forehead (and a delightful spot between my eyes), both ear canals, behind my ears, along my bra line, across my waist, both knees and the front of both calves. I have tried just about everything in the market and every alternative treatment available but pretty much to no avail.

About 2 years ago I started to get issues with my joints, particularly my feet, ankles and knees. Every GP I visited said it was because I was over weight and would push it no further. I sought alternative treatment and tried every masseuse in the district. I finally found a magic lady with healing hands who delights in torturing me every fortnight, but keeps me walking and upright.

In the last couple of months I have experience extreme pain in the wrists, and went back to the GP. I lucked on a wonderful caring lady GP who listened to my story and sent me for a battery of tests - X-Rays, CT, MRI, More bloods than you can poke a stick at and then said she was "not convinced that it was not Psoriatic Arthritis" and referred me to a Rheumatologist. (living in a regional area it was a 2 1.2 hour trip each way) I managed to score an appointment with only a few days wait and duly attended. He said there was no doubt about my GP's diagnosis and spent a wonderful amount of time explaining my condition and the treatment plan.

I begin with Methotraxate tomorrow. I am hoping I can tolerate it and that it offers me some relief from the constant pain.

Looking forward to chatting in the future



Welcome to the group! I'm glad to hear that the rheumy is starting you with treatment right away. If the doctor didn't already prescribe folic acid, talk to the doctor or the nurse about this. It can minimize some of the side effects.

You’re so lucky that you now have a smart GP and a pro-active rheumatologist! Your experience with having your complaints brushed off is completely typical: so many of us have been there. For twenty years my complaints were fobbed off to “the usual suspects”: age, a physically demanding career, overweight, menopause, lack of exercise, blah blah blah.
You’ve turned a corner here, Becstar! As for MTX, don’t get yourself to wound up about it. See how it goes, and if it doesn’t, your rheumatologist has lots of other arrows in his quiver. Sounds like you’ve scored a good rheumie, lucky you.

Thanks mate. Doc was totally onto the folic acid. I think I have a year's supply which I have to take it Monday Tues and Wed every week

Stoney said:

Welcome to the group! I'm glad to hear that the rheumy is starting you with treatment right away. If the doctor didn't already prescribe folic acid, talk to the doctor or the nurse about this. It can minimize some of the side effects.

Great news, Becstar. The MTX treats everyone differently, as do all the drug protocols. So, have at it and see what works. Just stick with it and give it long enough to get into your body and do its thing. Most of what you read on here, aside from the humor, the aches and pains and the venting, is about a bunch of people trying to balance their drugs and side effects with the symptoms of their condition so they can live as full and rich life as their disease allows. That takes patience, time and a willingness to keep trying. And when you run out of willingness, you come here and someone will give you a kick in the pants or a virtual hug. Whatever you need. Talk to you soon!

Goodness Seenie - were you looking over my shoulder for the last 2 years of GP appointments? That is exactly the list of reasons given me. First weight loss (which I did), walking (yep - try that with these joints), then HRT (which I tried) I think if it hadn't been for the acute pain in my wrist things would have gone on for a lot longer.
Day one of MTX today and initially I felt a little nausea, now my skin (particularly where I have active psoriasis, but also where I have previously had plaque) feels hypersensitive and I have a low grade headache. Now 8 hours since the first dose and other than that I don't feel too bad so far. Fingers crossed it works.

Seenie said:

For twenty years my complaints were fobbed off to "the usual suspects": age, a physically demanding career, overweight, menopause, lack of exercise, blah blah blah.

LOL - Thanks Janeatiu - Just exactly what I needed to hear. :)

janeatiu said:

That takes patience, time and a willingness to keep trying. And when you run out of willingness, you come here and someone will give you a kick in the pants or a virtual hug. Whatever you need.

Welcome, Bec. I'm new here also, and look forward to getting to know you!

Hey Becstar,

glad your first MTX didn't get you down. Take plenty of fluids (over do the water) and rest up. MTX used to kick my ass the day after. Hope it treats you better. Cheers!

Hey Guys - and thanks. I thought I was doing OK for my first dose of MTX but at the 36 hour mark and suddenly hit with stomach cramps and had to rush to the little room. Hoping this passes quickly. Thanks for the tip on drinking water, I think someone else told me that too. Maybe that is what is helping. I know all I wanted to do yesterday was drink water. Feeling hopeful :)

Hope things eased up. I used to take MTX on Saturday night and then my Sundays became DAM Sundays (day after MTX). It was pitiful. My body hated the pills but I did better with the nausea on injectable MTX. I couldn’t handle the fatigue, though. I lost many months of Sundays to terrible fatigue from MTX. Thankfully by doc agreed that it was no way to live and soon switched to biologics. I know my response was severe and many people adjust to it and tolerate it well. My fingers are crossed for you!

Wow - First day back to work today (It's Monday night here) and I had a meeting at my house tonight. I am shattered. I didn't quite make it through the day - lasted 7 hours at work. Came home and slept for a bit. Then struggled through the meeting. Hopefully tomorrow is better. Thankfully this is only a 3 day week for me, as hubby and I are going away in the Caravan for 4 days. We are attending a Lions Convention. The beauty of this is that I can opt out and go and sleep if I want to and hubby can do all the official stuff. Here's hoping.