Any “diet” that eliminates high calorie low nutritional foods will make you feel better. That being said NO diet will change the fact you have PsA or its progression. Candida is something everyone has naturally,. its not a disease and its something only diagnosed by alternative practitioners. There simply isn’t much evidence to support the diagnosis of yeast syndrome. Consequently many conventional practitioners doubt its validity. And there are no clinical trials that document the efficacy of a candida cleanse diet for treating any recognized medical condition. NONE.
Most people will, within a few weeks of replacing processed foods with fresh ones and white flour with whole grains start to feel better in general. That, rather than stopping the growth of yeast in the gastrointestinal tract, is probably the main benefit of a candida cleanse diet, paleo, low carb and the like.
The sad fact is many folks with auto-immune (especially arthritis) retreat to their couch and start a diet of junk food, high carbs, comfort foods (the same thing) and replace activity with Netflix. Its understandable as one hurts and generally feel “bad” They look for a “cure” be it a “magic supplement” a special diet, or generally some way to blame it on themselves. They convince themselves if they only fix what they did/do wrong it will all go away. Most of us are terrible shape physically and mentally before we ever get diagnosed.
There is three things we must all do and unless we do all three, none of the others will help:
- healthy lifestyle including diet
- activity but general and specific as well as participating in “life”
- medication both for the arthritis and often the mental wear and tear/depression that comes with auto-immune disease
One of the most important things we can do is AVOID complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practitioners. While well intention-ed the only real effect they will have on our disease is on our pocket book. As one “fad” loses steam there are always two new ones to take its place. We need help with number 3, we may need help for number 2, we may need some help with number 1 to get started BUT unless we work all 3 together, it just won’t work.
AS you read through the many stories here you won’t find one successful outcome (beyond short term) and I mean none that came from CAM practitioners and a “natural approach” Worse by the time those have tried figure it out, its frequently too late and damage is permanent.
Just a word about probiotics, 99% of them don’t work. They are destroyed by the stomach before they get to the intestine. (although now that the evidence is clear, the unregulated probiotics industry has claims of that “their product passes through”)Your intestinal flora is as unique as your finger-print. That’s not to say it doesn’t get out of wack from antibiotics and such, but it does correct itself given a chance. In a few instances of Autoimmune disease it takes some intervention. The only way to correct your poop is with healthy poop.
Incidentally the certified Quacker Natasha Campbell-McBride who developed GAPS is not a researcher and has not published anything despite having come up with her own hypothesis, invented a new disease (GAPS) and an effective treatment all by herself. Her education in this area is a bachelors degree in nutrition. Despite her list of over 70 diseases she can cure, arthritis is not one of them. FWIW for $1175.00, you can be trained to become a GAPS practitioner in a two-day course… Training includes a business starter package.
Paleo is so healthy the average caveman died before age 31 with clear signs of long malnutrition in skeletal remains that have been found. However if you take the top 10 supplements recommended with Paleo you might overcome the lack of nutrition"
- Minerals Iodine, Iron, and Selenium
- Vitamin D3
- Vitamin K2
- PQQ (a rare B vitamin)
- Co-Enzyme Q10
- Magnesium (a laxative)
- Multivitamin
- B Vitamin Complex with Vitamin C added
I would suggest ANY diet that requires/suggests supplementation has problems.