Hair color changing since starting MTX

I have been on 7.5mg of MTX since April and I have had several people tell me that my hair seems lighter. I don't and have never colored my hair. It was a very dark brown, almost black and now it is a medium brown with some red highlights. Also, my springy curls have turned into waves.

Has anyone else had their hair change like this from taking MTX?

I'm not ruling out an Mtx connection, I simply don't know. But I'm wondering how old you are (no need to tell if you don't want to!). Looking back I had brown hair as a child / young teenager & by the time I was 18 it was black. Somewhere from my late 40s onwards it started to fade and was dark brown again before it went grey.

Of course the changes could be linked to the disease / the meds / anything really. I wonder if hair is more of a barometer of what's happening to us than we think. But how to read the signs?!

Maybe it is related to my age and is just coincidental that I started taking MTX. My hair has always been very dark, even as a young child. I turned 45 in April. I have had slight greying since about age 35 and that started increasing last year. Who knows? It has lightened so much that even my husband noticed and he isn't terribly observant about things like that!

I haven't been able to find anything on the internet about it being from MTX, so I suppose I should chalk this one up to being due to my age.


Miz Que

Your husband noticed!! This is serious!