Guilt... I have a chronic case of it

Anyways. Sorry I brought it up. So far off topic.

Haha something else to feel guilty about :slight_smile:

All of y’all have made me feel better about trying not to feel guilty. It’s really up to me and I don’t know if its something I am haut going to have to learn. Every time I start to feel better I get knocked down, like with the migraine or an infection. I just worry at what point is my family going to say enough? That emergency room visit WAS expensive and it was my fault for not refilling my relpax. I was so frightened because I had thrown up for 8 hours straight every few minutes and my experience with Drs. Care is that they have nothing for migraine pain. People have abused the system so much if you really need it you can’t get it. I am taking all your suggestions to heart. I’ve gotten better at saying no. It still makes me feel awful… My 18-year-old just doesn’t understand bc her mom hasn’t been like this. We’ve been so close. She is such an amazing girl and I feel like I’m losing her, not because of her age but because I can’t do the thins we enjoyed together anymore. I’m cryin web as I write this because I just don’t know how to fix all this. Lamb, your words bring me the greatest comfort. That I don’t have to be perfect just do my best. It’s so lonely when nobody gets it and in your heart you wonder if everyone just thinks your lazy. Friends say things like, “wow, you have had some really bad luck with your health lately!?” Or “You are ALWAYS sick!” It makes me think that they are thinking I am faking bc I look normal to them. My husband says who cares what they think… but I kinda do. I can’t help it. It is probably just some of the stress of being sicker than usual getting me down. We all have ups and downs. I bet tomorrow is going to a bright new day… I hope.

Of course tomorrow will be better, and anyone has the right to rant and their feeling ESPECIALLY here.

I don't mean to sound cynical Tiger, but I've learned that most people are so wrapped up in themselves they forget about others pretty quickly unless there is a "connection" Worrying about what they think is sort of a fruitless action. They don't even know what they think an hour later....

If there is a connection, and they have the thoughts you are so worried about... You husband is right and I'd go so far as to say you can't stupid. If they can't figure it out then.................

Tiger I was feeling lonely too for the exact same reasons you are, but coming here every day reminds me that there ARE people who understand. They are right here… So rant or vent anytime you need to. We will understand.

That was you can't fix stupid in regards to thoughts..... (I'm beginning to to think my latest symptom is dementia)

Yes!!! I too overdo it when I feel good, then pay for days/weeks after. Enough said.......

Yeah, but other than the time overdoing it involved a shopping mall, I'm hard pressed to remember a time it wasn't worth it...

Thats something people WITHOUT PsA do.

Cissy, it really is good to have people who know what you are going through. I wish that I lived in a bigger town or city because maybe there would be support groups there, but my town is very small. I be thought about looking into to traveling to one but I don’t know how long that would last but I’m not counting it out.

Yes, I feel guilty too. At my home the chores don't seem to end. I don't think my son realizes how much help I need. He may begin to understand since I've been in so much pain lately.

Well tntlamb....

I have an added appreciation for you now. You know the ER world and you have experienced things that the human race should not experience as a combat medic. THAT is a rough world... Anyone who has served our country, I cannot say enough 'thank-you's to those men and women. The lasting psychological effects are huge. :-( Sadly, our country tends to not allow them to grieve like they should.

As for how healthcare is dictated, you are exactly corrected. I have to agree with what you said but I will not get started on that entire frustration.

In the end, Emergency is just that. It is costly and not the place for those who need care for the difficulties that come along with the disease. Your suggestions of having your physician call ahead would be very very helpful. Or using another route like a shot of Toradol. All very good suggestions and cost effective.

I feel bad that TigerGirl was in such a bad place and received this sort of care.

tntlamb said:

I think if you read around here a bit more you will learn a bit about folks. I was a combat medic in ranger unit during an actual war and spent years working in the ER and have the scars to prove it. Damn near bled out once from a 17 year old prosti who had a knife hidden gosh knows only where.

On the whole most of us have learned to stay away from the ER no matter how rotten we feel. Its not that they don't care but the critical word is EMERGENCY. There really is very little they can do (or should do) in regards to out "disease" From time to time situations arise where we do need emergent care, but they are rare.

We can do a lot to help ourselves. Call our doc, tell him the problem and have him call ahead usually we can be handled in something less than the ER. Nothing worse than spending 2 grand for a pain shot (there is time when I would have paid 10) Standing order isn't a bad way to go either. I can get a shot of torodol almost on request. Valium is a little tougher. There are minor ER's (discount doctors) all over most towns that you can make arrangements with.

The thing to keep in mind is that ER's are owned by hospitals and hospitals are now run by mid management healthcare administrators who also call themselves quality control managers. They develop protocols for everything. If you go in with a migrane, you might get help, but you are just as likley to get a $10,000.00 work-up taking several hours (Hospitals are procedure driven) What if it were a tumor??? Having a chart and PCP call ahead can eliminate some of that.

I'm sure Sarey has some other suggestions............

Let me just say that I have always said I am SO GLAD I am not a teacher! I believe that teaching could be more stressful than being an ER nurse. Seems like a bizarre thing to say. I just empathize with the fact that parents griping, children who are mistreated, angry children...just all of it would make me insane! So THAT is definitely a job that I know would be stressful!

As for the nurses, they were inappropriate from what you have stated. I feel that you should write a letter to the Vice President of Patient Care Services. Make it clear that you are writing this letter because you felt that the behavior from the other room was inappropriate and distasteful while you were ill. Make sure this is about good patient care, quality improvement and NOT wanting your bill wrote off. They need to know that this was inappropriate and give nurses a bad name. I feel that you have the ability to word this correctly so that someone else does not have to lay there miserable (as you did). Be proactive so that the issue can be promptly nipped!

As you can see I am passionate about my patients receiving good care. I am insulted by some that call themselves nurses when their behavior reflects inappropriateness. I strive to treat all people the same regardless of the situation that brought them to the ER. My purpose is good treatment not judgement. I am consistent and fair across the board.

TigerGirl said:

I wish you could have too! I never think poorly of the nurses and doctors in ER bc I know what it is to multitask. I taught middle school for 14 years. Not that I had anyone die on my watch but I did have a problem a minute, angry parents, and no breaks. I am quick to write a letter to corporate for any employee who goes out of their way to be helpful or extra kind to me. This was just unreal. They were falling all over this man. He was saying the f-bomb repeatedly for two hours and they were laughing and hanging on his every word. He was two feet from me. I am sorry if I offended you because I often hear people put teachers down and I think of you only knew. This was nothing like that. These girls were enamored with his badboyness. "Get away from him you home wrecker! This here is my mannnnn!" It went on all night.his mom was there, but she left him to the nurses and went outside.

hi :)

again, "been there, done that, got a shirt" . don't feel guilty that you can't do something. guilt will not help to feel better. actually, i have my small trick to do things: try to do something small in certain amount of time, say, 10 min. (or 5 min.) you may achieve a little or a lot, but you will feel better after it. and no, don't rush at all. take your time. remember that you do have PaS. make a plan and talk to the family. tell them to try to keep everything neat, so there is not so much to do. also, you could try cleaning services for bigger jobs, or maybe your family could help with it. there are things that can be done together. sample: wash your teeth in the morning and have disinfecting wipes close to wipe the sink and the mirror :) take shower and after it just spray your bathtub with scrubbing bubbles :) there are so many things... and trust me when i tell you that most of the times you will feel to tired like to do it, but it will take only 1 or 2 min to do, and then you don't have to do so much. ask your family to do the same. make a game of it. maybe if the house is clean for a week, because every one helped, you can have something special for dinner or any other reward :) so don't feel guilty. remember, housework is not a rabbit, its not going to run away :)