Gluten Free?

I went gluten free religiously for one year, couldn’t believe the items that had gluten added to them. After doing this for one year it had not helped my PsA at all, it was one year and 3 weeks I was in my third major flare up of that year and I gave up and ordered a pizza… I have introduced gluten back in to my life and feel no worse for it. I do know that things like tomatoes, beef and milk will flare up my arthritis so I avoid them. However gluten made no difference to my arthritis.

Yes Ive tried it - you need to go beyond gluten tho,and be low carb and grain free. It has worked absolutely for me and i was on serious meds for 20 years. When the Humira stopped being as effective i knew I had come to the end of the road with conventional symptomatic control meds. I started in april and reseached like a pro. there is more to it than just avoiding gluten. Read Mastering Leptin, dr Jack kruse Leptin reset diet and dr Myhill's work on supplements too. i am religious about Omega 3 and 6 balance, carbs, vit d3 too, and mineral supplements, especially magnesium, potassium and zinc. I use seaweed supplements, eat a hell of a lot of seafood, grass fed meat esp liver, coconut oil, green veg and very little fruit apart from some seasonal berries. all i say is keep researching and you can improve the inflammatory responses. Good luck xxxx