Getting the T-shirt

As if anyone really wants the PsA t-shirt! But, if you have a solid diagnosis – whether it turns out to be PsA or something else – there’s a far better chance of finding relief than if you remain a medical mystery. And if you do have PsA, you want your medics to get an accurate sense of how severe it is, to inform your treatment decisions.

So what can you, as the patient, do to move the diagnostic process along? How do you get that t-shirt, whatever it says? Always remember that you and your doctors are a team in this search for answers and solutions. Doctors don’t like having medical mysteries that they can’t solve any more than you like being one! As a member of your own diagnostic and treatment team, here are some useful things that you can do to give yourself the best chances of a good outcome –

  1. For each doctor’s appointment, make a list of questions and issues that you’d like to discuss. Some doctors even appreciate having a copy of the list to use as an “agenda”. Others, not so much. You will get to know who appreciates it and who doesn’t.

  2. Keep a pain log. There are all kinds of samples online.

  3. Keep a symptom diary, the more specific, the better. Telling the doctor that you have morning stiffness is good. Being able to report that it lasts, for example, two hours most days is better.

  4. Take pictures if a symptom is visible, like swelling, inflammation or a rash. That way, if it disappears before you get to the doctor’s (never fails!) you will have something to bring to Show and Tell.

  5. Ask for copies of reports and referral letters and keep your own set of medical records. Should you need to change doctors, these will be invaluable.

  6. If you aren’t comfortable with the doctor, or you are doubtful about the diagnosis, start taking steps to seek a second opinion, or perhaps even get a new doctor. This is going to be a long relationship and a long process.

  7. Learn as much about PsA as you can. This site is full of helpful information, and under “Book Reviews” (above) there’s an excellent book written for lay people that is a very useful comprehensive guide.

You want the t-shirt, whatever it says!