Eye problems

So out of the blue this morning I experienced something that kind of freaked me out,enough that I will be making an app with an eye DR.
All of a sudden I had a blurred patch in my vision,it was surrounded by flashing colored sparkly lights. I think it lasted maybe 3-5 minutes. I think it was my left eye,it was really weird,something I have not experienced before. I know we can have eye issues but I was just wondering if anyone had had a similar experience. Thanks guys.

Something not dissimilar happened to me last September although my sparkly flashing lights were more of a black and white chevron effect and they last the best part of an hour or so. It turned out to be a silent migraine, harmless but frightening at the time. Haven't had one since. Not that I wish you a migraine, silent or otherwise, but I hope your eye specialist can put your mind at rest too.

Lindseylou, run, don’t walk to your eye doc. I don’t think this is anything to do with the eye manifestations which can happen with PsA.
It sounds more like something that happened to my husband a couple of years back. He had transient cloudy floaters and sparkles. He went straight to his optometrist (Mrs. Bossyknickers, that would be me, insisted) and the eye guy referred him immediately to the Eye Institute at the big university hospital. (They took him in as an emergency on the weekend, so that tells you something.) It was a retinal problem – can’t remember whether it was a detachment or a tear, but the solution to it was laser surgery. Sounds like a big deal, but the doc just took him into a small room, he looked through a machine, saw and felt a few zaps, and went home fixed. Amazing stuff.
Get it seen to, Lindsaylou, pdq.

Ok,I will make an appointment. Small problem in that we have snow forecast to start soon & end tomorrow morning. So it will be Fri/Sat before I get seen.
Seenie, to your hubby have a few episodes before he went or did he go straight away? I’m due an eye exam anyway so I’m going to go.

Oh no, it was the first episode. Mrs. Bossyknickers took right over.

I would agree with Seenie. I have small slits in my retinas and have been told by my Optometrist that I am to call immediately if I experience the sparkling flashes as this is a sign in my case of retinal detachment. I also though have experience the silent migraine with a black flashing spot in my peripheral vision, really freaky but not a big deal. Good idea to have it checked out.

I have the same problem, except my opthalmologist acts like it's nothing serious. Actually, one of my eye problems I had 4 or 5 times was the migraine without the pain. That was a steady bright light in my vision, so all I had was peripheral vision along with zig-zaggy lines up in the corner. It's scary--the first time I thought I was having a stroke!

About 3 years ago, I suddenly started having lighting flashes in my right eye, followed by a few floaters. I went right to my opthalmologist and he made nothing of it! He said it was a vitreous detachment and it happens to everybody as they age--but usually a lot older than I was. I also have "lattice" whatever on the edge of my retina--he doesn't make much of that, either. I continue to have the floaters and flashes and I also get blurred vision if I look at things like this tablet or the TV too long.

The opth..did tell me I have about a 10% greater risk of having a retinal detachment, and to be aware of the signs, which I am very aware of because my younger sister went blind from not treating a retina detachment quickly enough. When it happens, it's like a shade was pulled over your eye--you've got less than 24 hours to get it fixed, or it will ruin the eye.

I get these and was diagnosed with occular migraines. I see bright spinny sparkly lines, swirlies, and auras around things sometimes. On occasion I get the blurred spots with lots of weird bright wiggly lights shooting out. At night I see them almost like a lightning storm. They can last from a few seconds to half an hour, if it's a longer episode then I'm more likely to have searing eyeball pain :[ but only rarely is pain involved; who knew you can get migraines in your eyes? They used to only happen in my left eye but now I get them in both, it's more annoying than anything else.

Hopefully your's will be something minor, too!

Could you possibly have vitreous detachments, too, oh look? When I started having the lightening flashes, that’s when he told me the vitreous material in my eyes was drying up and it causes the retina to slightly pull away.

oh look, a chicken! said:

I get these and was diagnosed with occular migraines. I see bright spinny sparkly lines, swirlies, and auras around things sometimes. On occasion I get the blurred spots with lots of weird bright wiggly lights shooting out. At night I see them almost like a lightning storm. They can last from a few seconds to half an hour, if it’s a longer episode then I’m more likely to have searing eyeball pain :[ but only rarely is pain involved; who knew you can get migraines in your eyes? They used to only happen in my left eye but now I get them in both, it’s more annoying than anything else.

Hopefully your’s will be something minor, too!

Nope, doesn't sound it, I was having an active migraine while being checked with the eye doc. My rhuemy keeps track of my eyes, too. I wasn't as concerned about the blurred spots and swirlies but one day my right pupil was dilated huge and took a while to retract, that's when I went to the dr about it.

My sister and mother get them, too, all of us with the occular migraine diagnosis. My sister's also got iritis/uveitis, where her iris gets inflamed and sticks to the inside of her cornea. When this is happening it's really weird looking, her pupil gets all strange shaped and her eye gets horribly runny. It falls into the "EW" catagory and she needs medicine to control it.