Enthesitis is one of the more unique "features of PsA. This NIH site has some great information and a diagram (the diagram is below) I also posted below the chart of the 18 tender points for Fibromyalgia. There is a great deal of "overlap" sometimes leading to wrong or delayed diagnoses. It is of course possible to have both
Here’s another excellent resource. Even if you can’t understand all of the technical language, it certainly explains why PsA is such a difficult disease to diagnose, and why so many of us have been undiagnosed for long periods of time, or often misdiagnosed.
The source is University of Leeds in the UK – http://enthesis.info
I have enthesitis diagnoses by my rheumy…it’s ridiculously painful sometimes ( I once felt like I’d been shot in the back, near my kidneys and it lasted for 3mths!) I feel like a fraud on here for not having psa but trust me this moves around and hurts a lot