
Oh Louise, isn’t that interesting! He’s got his mind on other things and you downplay your problems. Bad combo! Good thing you have great colleagues!

Yep bad combo indeed, didn’t realise I did downplay things but he assured me I do, so different approach needed…I’ll whinge in my next appointment;) lol.

Apparently they can’t, Sybil! Some can’t, anyway …
Docs who read the patient as opposed to those that tick the symptom boxes are few and far between! Of course, reading the patient takes a bit more time than counting finger and toe joints.

Lol Sybil, so am I apparently:)

Good for you Louise. Just have that good weekend with your man anyway. That is the way to live your days. I have adopted this strategy for the days that go half bad or disappointing and still have half of it go fairly well. Or weekends , or holidays that come after that disappointing visit to the doc or rhuemy.