What tests should I make sure my rhumey does? I am at the beginning of the diagnostic process. I am very concerned about joint damage, do they usually xrays as well as blood work? I have been tested for lupus and lyme disease, both came up as possible but I think psoriatic arthritis will be the winner! Any info would be appreciated.
PsA doesn't really show up on blood work or x-rays. The diagnosis is usually made by an exam and careful history. Psoriatic arthritis or PsA only happens in people with psoriasis who develop swollen joints and usually achilles tendons are swollen in the early stages. Hope this helps.
I was dx very early on with a bone scan. I was only experiencing tendonitis in my wrists when i was dx. No joints hurt but they showed as inflammed in the bone scan. I also test positive for Lupus and am currently being re-evaluated for that by my rheumy.
Thanks I will talk to my doctor tomorrow and see if he would recommend a bone scan.
Roni said:
I was dx very early on with a bone scan. I was only experiencing tendonitis in my wrists when i was dx. No joints hurt but they showed as inflammed in the bone scan. I also test positive for Lupus and am currently being re-evaluated for that by my rheumy.
I have a very long history (about 20 years) of undiagnosed psoriasis on my feet and involving my toe nails. It has also sprouted up on my knuckles of one hand. After seeing about 10 doctors I talked a podiatrist into doing a skin biopsy of my toe, this was 2 years ago. It was psoriasis, even though he had my history of severe pain, poor immune system, tendonitis and on and on, he never said a word about psoriatic arthritis. Since i also have lyme disease my doc decided I should see a rheumy to rule out rheumatoid arthritis. At that time he said my marker for lupus and rhum arth was neg but I showed increase inflammation which he felt was a pre cursor to lupus. Anyway I am going tomorrow to hopefully get a better handle on the situation but feel I fit the psoriatic arthritis picture to a tee. My lyme doc agrees and wants me to have it checked out. My lyme doc is trying to figure out if the arth symptoms are lyme related or if psoriasis is the source. The roller coaster is somewhat overwhelming. Thanks for the info.
michael in vermont said:
PsA doesn't really show up on blood work or x-rays. The diagnosis is usually made by an exam and careful history. Psoriatic arthritis or PsA only happens in people with psoriasis who develop swollen joints and usually achilles tendons are swollen in the early stages. Hope this helps.