
Not sure this will help but I have no where to turn. I am so depressed that not going on looks really good sometimes. Every time I go through this I think it can't be any worse then somehow I sink a little lower. Anyone been through severe depression before? Maybe talking to someone will help.

I think we all go through it one or anuther. I take meds for my depression and i still fill it at time i just try to think about the good thing and not on the bad no need to go there all the time if i did i would not get out of bed.. if you need to talk friend me and we can be depression buddys lol :) it gets getter

I had a bad depression after giving birth. I may also have been having a flare but I did not know I had PsA at that time though I had the nails and symptoms off and on since childhood. I got medication and talk therapy. I discovered my then husband (now my ex-husband) was gay. It was a really hard time. I have tried to go off the medications, under my physician's guidance twice in the 20 years since than. I slid slowly, over 6 months or so, back into depression/anxiety so now I stay on the med. I resume talk therapy when I find myself "stuck" or am getting symptoms again. It is almost as tough to find a good fit with a therapist as it is with a masseuse or Rehumy. But i kept trying until I found one that worked. As a nurse I have found being honest with a therapist about moving on is acceptable to a good therapist. I have only had trouble with one, not so great in my opinion, who acted like I was stepping out on her by moving on. Keep looking till you find one who is a good fit for you. And don't be afraid of the meds. They saved my life.

Talk to someone. Now. If you have any thoughts or even more importantly, if you start thinking of ways to hurt yourself, call an ambulance immediately. I want you to be safe. This is a terribly rough road and needing therapy or antidepressants or anti anxiety medication is not a weakness; for some of us it is necessary. I am on an anti anxiety med, an antidepressant, have a psychiatrist to manage my medication therapy and a psychologist. I HAVE to in order to manage this. Your mental well being is EVERY BIT as important as your physical well being. If you need to talk, I will send you my number. IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE ME, BUT PLEASE TALK TO SOMEONE! My heart is with you and I am sending you huge hugs.


There is also a component of PsA ( and other chronic pian) that cause depression but also causes pain. It becomes a vicous crcle. The only way to evvectivley break the cycle is with meds. Believe it or not, the tricyclics are the most effective and it only takes ashort course. Not only do pain levels decrease, but if you take it at night You sleep. Your energy levels go up too. There is abig long explanation involving nor epinephrine etc. but really its simple. I have little to no luck with the modern stuff. But ask your doc..... TRICYCLICS I'll find the studies tomorrow if you want.......

Start with your doctor, then also see a counsellor/therapist. It is not easy coming to terms with PsA. In the meantime try doing a few things each day that might help you feel better. Talk to a friend, go out for coffee, a bubble bath, watch a comedy or listen to music etc. Do some sort of physical activity every day this helps get the endorphins working. They are the bodies natural way to help you feel good. Eat well, sleep well and go outside this all helps. It sounds so simple but I know its not when you are depressed. I hope you will soon be on the improve .

As humans we were made to be productive. This disease can take our productivity away, leaving us feeling useless, helpless and depressed. We then concentrate on the pain and agony and thus, slide further into it. First, get yourself to a better place as soon as possible. Call someone and talk. Going forward, try to do something to be productive. It can be something small like encouraging someone who's going through something similar to you, or spending time with a lonely neighbor, ect. You'd be amazed at how little things like that can help.

I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. Please know that things can change!! We may have new, better, medicines on the way and much to look forward to. Many here have given wonderful advice to you, and I agree with them. Continue to feel free to vent and I do sincerely hope you feel much better soon in every way! Best wishes! :-)

Oh, and please read "Grumpy's" post on Hope. It's beautiful and I've already read it several times. I LOVE hearing when one of us is doing better. Somehow it makes me have greater hope too. I hope it does the same for you!! :-)

Thank you guys for the responses so far, it is helping me to hear your tips and encouragement. It is difficult to get out and do anything when I am this depressed but I am trying. I am also going to see a doctor, thanks! It can really only go up from here I'm sure.

I too am struggling with depression. I have just recently started talking to a therapist so haven't noticed any improvement in my physical symptoms, but having someone impartial to talk to has been a help. I am currently taking celexa 20 mg twice a day, but she thinks I would benefit more on cymbalta. I'll let ya know if that helps.

Have you talked with your dr about this? You really need to now!
You are not alone! If I understand correctly, that depression and psa often go hand in hand as we are often times dealing with chronic pain, fatigue and just dealing with daily stress.
I just went to my pcp yesterday and will start meds for depression. It is her hope that will also help with the pain.
I am here if you want to talk:)

Do you think seeing a counselor or therapist to help with coping skills would help? Insurance should cover the cost. Is there a support group for chronic pain or arthritis near you? Some hospitals sponsor these groups.

I hope you will feel better soon - I know that depression can hurt as much as pain. And don't forget your online support group is always here for you.



Hi Jadukes,

Are you feeling any better? I hope some of the group's ideas and thoughts were helpful.



I have had a bad year and i am feeling better due to the remicade working better. I was on humira for 5 years and was bulletproof. those days are gone but getting better. there were days that the only reason i was still here was that the pain would be too bad to get up and try to end it all. I get down about myself and then think about all of the cancer patients i sit next to while receiving remicade and it is all relevent. There is always somone tougher, always someone smarter and always someone worse off than you are. Take the good with the bad and have hope. Good luck.

Thanks Frances I did see my doctor and got on some new medications and other than being really sleepy I do feel some better. I am looking for a therapist and look forward to feeling a lot better soon! Thanks for all of your input guys!

I'm so glad you got some new meds ! Thanks for keeping us updated.


I don’t know how you feel about this, but I do therapy via email. I have had in person therapy before, but I never quite felt comfortable with it, so I started looking into eTherapy. I found a licensed psychologist in my area who also has a brick and mortar practice. I really like the eTherapy because 1) I don’t have to leave my home to do it, 2) All of our “sessions” are typed, so I can go back and review things, think them over, or see how far I’ve come. 3) He gives me “homework” to do. This is usually something small to integrate into my life, and of course if I have questions, I can shoot him a quick message for clarification. And 4) the best thing is that I can write at any time of day or any day of the week that is convenient for me, I don’t have to schedule an appointment. I simply write my thoughts, send them and wait for his reply.

If you are interested, I will send you his info.

jadukes said:

Thanks Frances I did see my doctor and got on some new medications and other than being really sleepy I do feel some better. I am looking for a therapist and look forward to feeling a lot better soon! Thanks for all of your input guys!

Grumpy, please send me his information. I am in desperate need of therapy and find it hard to leave my house at a scheduled time b/c of my illness. Im afraid to do anything in fear of regression. Thanks

Grumpy, please do send me the information. I have never thought of that kind of therapy but I journal and find that I am always more forthcoming on paper than I am in person. Thanks

Ok, guys, here you go.

His name is Richard Sansbury and his practice is in Bethesda, MD. The website is You are able to read all about how to do eTherapy right from the site. When you write your first message, he will respond in a few days. Typically 2-3. Good luck!