Dealing with it

Hi everyone. I have been off for a while as I rediscovered who I was. I started writing about three years ago but a few months ago I decided to ramp things up and now I have a few short stories being published while I work on my first book. The main character has Psa. I am trying to bring some more awareness to this disease. I have found that writing has helped me cope a lot with this and all it’s accompanied conditions. I have something new to focus on.

Yaaaay, Robyn! What a great thing to have found such a positive outlet. But don’t forget to look after yourself too. You must be looking forward to the summer (while we brace ourselves for the onslaught of winter, LOL!).

Ah well therein lies the problem Seenie. It’s easy to get caught up in it all and forget to take it easy. Today I am having a crappy day so staying in bed.

LOL, yup, know that feeling! Your main character will do that too, no doubt!