Be honest, it might be helpful to me

I hesitated to put the exact topic I want to discuss in the header. So I used a teaser!!

What I would like to discuss is the use of medical marijuana. I know a few of you probably live in states where it is allowed. And even a few of you might say to hell with the law and use it anyway.

So my question is......have you, would you, could you, used it and gotten any relief? I grew up in the late 60's and 70's, so yes, I did experiment as a younger person. And of course, I overdid a few times. But I quickly realized that I did not have the time to indulge because after I just was not productive for a good while. And I would have never been attentive enough to watch over my children. My husband was active duty military and he quit because of random drug screens.

Fast forward 35+ years and we are starting to rethink the use of MJ. DH has had prostate cancer and research is showing pretty positive results in being able to keep men from having reoccurances. And I can not take any anti-inflammatories or pain pills. My stomach just does not handle them. So recently I gave in and took a few puffs. My back was more relaxed than it had been for weeks. And it lasted 2 days and my sleep was fantastic. I did not indulge enough to be useless, just relaxed.

So I just wonder why, as consenting, responsible adults with medical conditions, can not make use of something that helps. And we don't even want to start a discussion about the benefits that people of heavy chemo get, or epileptics with seizure control.

I hesitate to respond after my liquor lecture in a different strain. If just get some pot and smoke vaporize or eat it. You may or may not get some benefit. Sativa and Indica are the two major types of cannabis plants (completley different in what they do to you) which can mix together to create hybrid strains. Each strain does a different job based on whats in it. THC is not what makes MM work for PsA. Within the human brain, there are at least two types of cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are present in the central nervous system and CB1 and CB2 receptors in peripheral tissues. These discoveries have led to the development of selective cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptor ligands. Or put another way there is absolultley nothing in MM that isn't available in more controlled amounts a whole bunch cheaper. If you choose to use MM go to a dispensary that knows what they are doing.

I am not totally sold on pill forms of MM. I worked for many years taking care of kids with cancer. They were offered the pill form and parents said that they never really did much to help with the nausea, appetite or pain. But the few that were brave enough to get the real stuff for their kids found that it did a lot to help ease the miseries they were in. I think that mother nature keeps her secrets close to the vest. And we have not gotten all the right combinations of synthetics straight yet. There are have been several major news programs recently that talked about hybridizing non-THC forms of MM and that they did seem to work well for cancer and epilepsy. So if that is the case, let them grow that and I will see if it does what I need it to do. But now, I have to really strictly ration out what I can get, when I choose to use it and keep analyzing it's benefit/or not.

I do have to laugh about your comment on the liquor lecture as that is what got me thinking to ask my question

tntlamb said:

I hesitate to respond after my liquor lecture in a different strain. If just get some pot and smoke vaporize or eat it. You may or may not get some benefit. Sativa and Indica are the two major types of cannabis plants (completley different in what they do to you) which can mix together to create hybrid strains. Each strain does a different job based on whats in it. THC is not what makes MM work for PsA. Within the human brain, there are at least two types of cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are present in the central nervous system and CB1 and CB2 receptors in peripheral tissues. These discoveries have led to the development of selective cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptor ligands. Or put another way there is absolultley nothing in MM that isn't available in more controlled amounts a whole bunch cheaper. If you choose to use MM go to a dispensary that knows what they are doing.

I wasn't thinking of Marinol but rather Sativex. Sativex and possibly Taranabant provide MM effects that are NOT available with other cheaper meds

I’ve definitely considered it. My only issue is I really don’t want to smoke it. I did on my youth, but I have some lung irritation at this point. When it is legalized in NY, I will definitely be willing to give it a shot. Actually, I was seriously considering it yesterday. I had hand surgery on Monday, and the pain meds were making me throw up. I was able to switch to one that didn’t make e sick, so didn’t go any farther with that thought.

I will be completely honest and admit I do smoke it for pain relief although it is not legal here. It doesn’t make the pain go away as such but it takes me above it and helps me relax. It also helps with nausea and making me hungry which I need. I was always a small person but I am now tiny since I got sick. I lose about 5 percent of me every year or so. But each to their own. The vaporizer method is possibly the least harmful

I just keep wondering, why is it so bad to use MM? I mean compared to OTC anti-inflammatories which can ruin not only my stomach but my kidneys and liver too. And they don't really work all that well for me anyway. I also have never been successful at taking any kind of pain pill and wouldn't want to anyway. As long as I can control myself and I am not out driving, putting others at risk. I know I want to be more productive, not less, so that would be my motivation to use the least amount possible.

I would think that anything that would help relax the overly tight muscles and help me get a good night's sleep would be a win-win situation.

As a child of the 70's I have to admit that I did experience the M. I do have to say that I have not experienced it in many years - you grow up, give up the lifestyle. The thing I worry about everyone jumping in the MM bandwagon now is just what a feel good it was then and now. It really scares me to think that I would go back to this someday. Maybe I am just one of those people that got such a really good high off of a few tokes that I would want to go back to that feeling again. Maybe you guys don't get the same buzz that I did back in the day - maybe the drugs are different, I don't know - have not experienced since 1980 so I can't speak to that. I know personally that if it becomes legal in my state it is not something I will try I know that I have an addictive personality which is why I don't try a lot of things. I do not want to have to explain to my children and grandchildren why it's OK for mommy/grandmommy to be able to smoke pot and they can't. I'm torn, if it helps you then go for it but the flip slide is how are you going to explain it?

Very good thought Mat. My kids and grandkids live no where near so that is good. And I am very very careful when I do partake. I have no real source so I am very stingy to use it only when I am really hurting and need some relief. I also have an addictive personality but over the years I have managed to stay away from all the bad stuff. Alcohol came close when I was in my 20's and 30's but I even gave that up when I saw that I was a jerk when I drank and I could not ever stop at one drink.

Another problem with today's street MJ is that it is stronger than in our day. I would rather have MM legal so we can go choose a very mild version that would not make us so goofy when we used it. I would even love to be able to grow it for myself to keep it clean and organic.

In the last year and a half both my husband had cancer, a moderately aggressive prostate very close to being metastatic according to the path report. Less than 1/2mm from breaking thru the capsule and then it would have been invasive. His sister shortly after was diagnosed with ovarian, stage 3C, very very aggressive and had spread quite a bit thru her abdomen already. Her chemo was rough and MJ was all that got her thru. None of the meds the docs gave her helped enough with the nausea and she rarely would eat unless she smoked. And she is lucky, that she does not feel anything when she does. Honestly. I have watched her and she is totally normal acting when she partakes. If anything, she just wants to take a nap. But it sure made a difference in her well being. And as soon as she finished with her chemo she has not touched it. That is how it should all work. And the government just makes it so difficult.

I have thought about this as well. Seems like something to try if possible. Unfortunately, Wisconsin has not legalized this yet.

Have you seen the special that Sanjay Gupta created, titled Weed? It provides excellent coverage of this discussion, as well as some of the concerns. This includes mj with much higher THC than what people smoked 20 or 40 years ago.

Unfortunately its not legal here in the UK, but one of the patient transport drivers bought me in an Asian sweet his wife had cooked for me which contained some…before I had even tried any my boys had polished it off!!! Lol They said it was good stuff :wink:

That's the danger of edibles.

Louise Hoy said:

Unfortunately its not legal here in the UK, but one of the patient transport drivers bought me in an Asian sweet his wife had cooked for me which contained some......before I had even tried any my boys had polished it off!!! Lol They said it was good stuff ;)

I would love to see that special. I heard it was well done and that it seems Sanjay is more in support of legalizing it than not. Maybe I can find a place to watch it like Hulu

Stoney said:

Have you seen the special that Sanjay Gupta created, titled Weed? It provides excellent coverage of this discussion, as well as some of the concerns. This includes mj with much higher THC than what people smoked 20 or 40 years ago.

I'm looking into this as an option for me.Medical marijuana is legal here in CT.

Years ago I used mj to treat constant severe nausea and it worked wonders for that AND helped with my pain, which at the time was an added bonus. The only difference my husband saw was that I could eat and was able to sleep better. I actually accomplished more because my body felt so much better.

MMJ, and in fact plain old MJ is now legal here in WA state. There are several people in my autoimmune disease group who find it very helpful. Several practitioners have suggested I try it when nothing else seemed to help. I haven't yet, because I have two kids at home, and can manage pretty well with narcotics. It's on my list of things to use if I have nothing else. It fact, I've been banking on it becoming legal for when I need it, signing petitions to legalize it all the way back 20 years ago when I was in college. For the record, I've never used MJ, even in college. I'm happy to know that now it is there if I want it.

I smoked it all the way through high school and college. Yes I was one of those girls...... I found at times it made me very anxious. When I became a nurse in 1978 I stopped it as I then had a license I could lose. I have since read some articles (not a lot) that MJ can worsen depression and anxiety. Since reading the new articles coming out that depression/anxiety may be caused by TNF and ant-TNF may lift the depression I doubt I would ever go that route again. I know depression is very common in PsA and was treating my depression long before I realized I had PsA. I never want to be that depressed again.

It's legal here in British Columbia Canada. My husbands aunt has MS and uses it and finds it works. I have friends who have medical licences to grow. The regulations are changing next year. I've thought about trying it and have had a lot of people approach me in regards to trying it however my doctor is against the use so I'd have to see a different doctor. I may try it one day.