Hi, me again. I've been banging on about my rashes - probably psoriasis & definitely some fungal infection. I'd just come to terms with them thanks to this site & giving myself a bit of a talking to - i.e. the fungal infection is just something that can happen with biologics ... stick with it, take the tablets, apply the cream, stop whingeing.
But just a minute ago, my very down to earth husband broke the news to me that I have quite a large bald patch on the top of my head. He never makes a fuss but he hugged me straight away so I knew it wasn't good. I don't mean thin hair - I mean totally bald, about 4 or 5 cms square, bright red & pretty obvious, I don't know how I've missed it. I've been scratching there but not much, not enough to do that by any means.
I'll be straight on the phone to my derm in the morning. Sorry to moan - there's worse things of course. But, I dunno, just now I feel sick. Please don't give me a pep talk just yet ... I'll be doing that to myself pretty soon.
Check out lichen planus (may not be spelt right) it can occur on the scalp and cause patches of temporary hair loss. Try a little smear of your steroid cream, see if it helps the itch and reduces the redness. Thinking of you. x
I've been applying Diprosalic cream there - double-checked that was the thing to do with dermy last week.
I checked out description of lichen planus on the 'net and the images look very like what we believe to be my (apparently untypical) psoriasis. Definitely something to ask about.
Thanks Jules. There's things you think won't happen to you, then they do. My hair's one thing that's always been okay. Jules G said:
Check out lichen planus (may not be spelt right) it can occur on the scalp and cause patches of temporary hair loss. Try a little smear of your steroid cream, see if it helps the itch and reduces the redness. Thinking of you. x
A girl's worst nightmare! I understand why this would upset you, Sybil. Hopefully your dermy will know just what to do! Maybe it's something to do with your body adjusting to the recent flares of fungus and possible psoriasis--you only quit MTX a few months ago....are you taking folic acid? I know of a couple people who had sudden unusual thinning and bald patches, there's a name for that condition, and the hair does grow back.
Thank you for your understanding Grandma J. I don't know why hair loss hurts so, but it does & obviously you get that.
I have a lot of scaly patches on my scalp and that was where it started, so it's the area that has been untreated for the longest time. It is thought to be psoriasis but I think it could be the scalp version of the fungal infection I have.
It's amazing how quickly a person can learn about a complex subject like dermatology when their hair falls out! If it is ringworm (tinea capitis) or psoriasis it should grow back.
Grandma J said:
A girl's worst nightmare! I understand why this would upset you, Sybil. Hopefully your dermy will know just what to do! Maybe it's something to do with your body adjusting to the recent flares of fungus and possible psoriasis--you only quit MTX a few months ago....are you taking folic acid? I know of a couple people who had sudden unusual thinning and bald patches, there's a name for that condition, and the hair does grow back.