Hi all,
I'm 50 and was diagnosed when I was 45. I was always very active and athletic; I was teaching kids in our scouting group how to do walk-overs and cartwheels, and that was at 45, LOL. I was better than the 12-15 yos. Just saying this to show that I was doing okay at the time.
I worked over the weekend on a yard sale for our youth group and over did it, like usual, so when I woke up on Monday and couldn't move I assumed it was strain for over doing things.
(FYI: I learned from the doc much later that arthritis often comes on an individual after an injury or stress; its like a catalyst that sets it off...)
Anyway, it got worse and worse until I was unable to go to the bathroom without help, or dress myself without help, etc. When I drove to the doctor, my teenaged daughter had to help me get my legs out of the car and hobble into the office. Obviously it wasn't just over-doing it.
It took them 6 mths to figure out what was going on. I had no skin problems, for example, and in the meantime I was downing 4-6 advil at a time for the pain, which wasn't good.
The pain was all over: Both hips, both shoulders, knees, neck and lower back. Fun....
(FYI: I also learned later that PsA is diagnosed using the process of elimination. There are tests for the other forms of arthritis, but not for PsA. I also learned that its often inherited from a close relative. My father had psoriasis and arthritis, for example. )
So they found out by giving me Prednisone, which I reacted to badly. I had halucinations (just like my dad did on Steroids and some pain killers...) So they took me off after 2 days, but they said it was good news that the pain went away, and concluded from that that it was definitely some kind of arthritis.
FWIW, I was also being tested for Lymes disease, which kept coming back negative.
From Predisone we went to Methatrexate (sp?), which I kept throwing up, so I had to give my self injections in the gut for 3 mths. But it worked; I was mostly pain free between the Methatrexate and my favorite pain killer: Tramadol/Ultracet.
Along with exercise 3-4 times at the gym ea week, I took the Tramadlol 24 x 7, and was doing really well and even lost some extra pounds I'd gained through all of this.
I learned that when you can't move much and hurt constantly and food is the only pleasure in your life, you pick up the pounds, certainly.
This past year hasn't been going that great, however. I'm still just on Tramadol, but can no longer go to the gym. Its hurting more than helping. so now I'm trying to take regular walks and hikes, which is next to impossible in the winter and through major rain storms and ticks and you name it...WV is supposed to be Wild and Wonderful, but I find it weedy, rocky, windy, buggie and generally unpleasant...
The pain is getting worse and its in one foot a bit, and in my hands, now. The doc seems convinced that I have RA on top of the PsA. How he could tell the difference is anyone's guess, LOL.
I've had to up the Tramadol dosage and I'm wondering if its just a matter of time that I'll have to go on something stronger. Tramadol isn't all that strong is my guess since the Doc is pretty free with it and I can double it whenever I need to. ??
That's my story for now. My hips are the worst area on me. I am more affected by the WEATHER than anything else!!! I'm a walking barometer, LOL. And its bad here in WV; the pressure changes constantly. The doc says I should live near the ocean/beach.
So, as soon as I inherit my first million, I'm out of here. (Go figure...)