Xray results showed Facet hypertrophy and some stenosis

Well, my physio gave me the results of my xrays yesterday. I will see the Rheumy to discuss on Sept 26th. So, OK, you were all right - eventually it was bound to happen...something showing up on radiographs that is.

I do have a few questions though: I know that facet joint hypertrophy is a hallmark feature of Ankolizing Spondylitis, but does anyone here with PsA have face joint involvement? If so, I would love to hear from you.

Also, there is stenosis in my c spine, (degenerative in nature??). Based on what I have researched, I cannot find anything that might tie that to the Psa (or AS). Does anyone here have loss of intervertebral disc height and/or retrolisthesis and osseous neural foramen?

I have c-spine involvement. The neurosurgeon who explained my MRI results said my involvement, including c-spine stenosis and bone on bone between C5-C6 and C6-C7 are directly related to my PsA.

When I saw my rheumy the next month or month after that, he had looked at the imaging and agreed that the PsA was also in my cspine.

A CT scan last year or this showed I have some involvement in L5-S1. Right now, that is not painful.

Thanks for your reply. I was curious, as the last Rheumy said the c-spine involvement I had was degenerative. The facet hypertrophy is new, so will see what the new Rheumy has to say.