
I began getting on again off again serious swelling in my fingers and legs. I also seem to have internal swelling in areas that can't be seem from the outside but it's causing major havoc

I too have swelling, mostly in my hands & feet. Since I'm always in pain, just some days worse than others, it's hard to really connect my pain with swelling. Due to my illness I moved in with my parents and they notice the swelling right off. They can tell if I'm having a bad day just by looking at me.

Uh-huh. Have you mentioned it explicitly to your new rheum?

guidob2222 said:

I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned that or not - I guess I just assumed it would be in my medical records from original rheumatologist diagnosis but maybe not. Isn’t that the classic symptom of pSa?

My sister's knees used to swell up and turn bright red but not as much anymore, that was part of how the rhuem came to the conclusion that it was PsA. She never got the sausage digits.

I get swelling in my hands and feet, mostly. Sometimes my knees, sternum, and elbows get swollen, too. My fingers and toes will get the sausage thing going on, which at times hurts, but at other times is more annoying because it feels like I've got gloves on or something covering them. The fleshly area between the index and middle fingers, down into the main on the hand, is now pretty much permanently puffed up, on occasion to an alarming degree of upward to a half inch or more. Some of the swelling must be more inside, I have a feeling in my joints that is almost like they are mushy or a have a weird softness in them. If that is going on it's much more likely the joint will be unstable and I've got to be careful, especially when walking.

For me the pain isn't directly related to the swelling. There are days that the swelling is bad but the pain isn't worse than normal. It baffles me that things can hurt so bad at times and have pretty much no visible indication of there being a problem, and other times be puffed like a balloon and only be uncomfortable.

Hi, I get most of my pain first in my tendons. That's where it's the worst. I get swelling but not the classic swelling of sausage fingers and toes that are always mentioned. I find that the tendon is the precursor to the PsA setting into that area. Where my tendons don't hurt anymore, the joint is now worse than ever.

Looks like I'm going on Enbrel myself so we'll see how that goes.

Thanks for everyone’s responses. You all are a blessing. I’ve told my current RA doc about how all of this initially started with horrible Achilles’ tendon pain & told her about nails…she never said much about those.