Quick Question

I had an MRI of my lower back on Monday and the results show mild bulging and stenosis of disks L1-L3 with moderate bulging with stenosis and nerve displacement between L4 L5 and S1. Question is could this be the result of PsA? or related? I have an appt with pain managent on June 18 to discuss injections.

If you are 20 maybe, if you 40, not likely and if you are 50. Its a normal test. That doesn't mean there won't be some attempt to suck money out of your pocket to fix something that can't be fixed. Read this article for more insight: http://www.sohrabgolloglymd.com/mri-scans-where-abnormal-findings-are-normal/

The trend of giving patients their screens and radiologist reports before a treating physician interrupts and explains is not a good one. The radiologist is trained to not consider anything but what he sees this leads to a lot of misunderstanding by patients who are hearing one thing from their docs and reading another on the reports.

What I would ask for though is if they did any STIR sequences that show any disc dehydration which would be more indicitive of a problem related to PsA. As far bulging discs everybody has them. Generally speaking the only thing injections in this area will do (if anything) is allow you to engage in some pretty aggresive (and painful PT) The neerves exit the spine differently in this area so core strength is critical.