Tinko, how are things going for you?
Hi Seenie,
Thank you for asking I am fine and Darren may also like to know this, I am experimenting with a three month suspension from Humira, then reviewing again in August. The understanding being that if I can manage without then travelling abroard should not be an issue. This way I still can go back to it if my symptoms get worse or or the pain intolorable!
Cross youir fingers for me guys!
xx Tinko
That’s interesting, Tinko. So your NHS rheumatologist plotted this out with you? Thanks for checking in – it will be interesting to see how this all works for you.
Hi, Tinko! I was thinking of you the other day and wondering how your plan to move to Malta had played out. Did you go? Are you still on a biologic? Do you have any advice or experience to offer those who are thinking of moving abroad while taking special meds?
Hope you are keeping well!