New Referral

We stayed over this time as the appointment was in the morning and too early for it to be feasible or rather sane to attempt to drive it one day. Was so glad we did and it was just lovely having that extra time. And while I was at the appointment, which got delayed, Alan really got to explore Bath which was lovely for him!

Hi - have just got a cancellation for next Thursday 4.10pm instead of the 24th which is great so we will travel down and have lunch in Bath beforehand. Have to get home afterwards as won’t leave the cat overnight and need to work on Friday but should be back around 8ish!

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What a stroke of luck that is! I think I’m almost as anxious to hear about the appointment as you are to have it!

Make your list, Adie! You don’t want to walk out thinking “oh, I should have told her …”, although that is less likely to happen with a leave-no-joint-unturned doc like Dr. Ellie than it is with your average high street rheumatologist.

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Hi Seenie

Yes really pleased to get an earlier appointment and my surgery is sending all previous history/scans etc and I have print outs as well so should be pretty well prepared! Have decided to go private as it seems so important to get on the right meds asap and we have only got one life!!

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Enjoy your trip and Dr Ellie really is lovely.

Hi - well I’ve had good news from my visit to Ellie in Bath - what a lovely lady. She does not think I have PsA!! Although my psoriasis has flared up she says this can happen especially if I am stressed which I have been a bit lately. My achilles problem she thinks is a partial rupture and is asking my GP to get an ultrasound and my back/neck problems down to discs so suggesting an MRI to GP. So unless things change in the future I won’t be continuing with the forum but thank you to everyone for being so helpful - its a great forum!!

Hi Adie! I just had a chance to read through this discussion. Along the way, you mentioned symptoms that sound like PsA…I’ve had nearly all the symptoms you have, and the flu-like feeling and tendonities were huge problems for me. I was diagnosed with PsA early on–well, actually after a few years of seeing a rheumatologist for “wierd” aches and pains, bulging discs, off and on tendonitis in my wrists, pressure in my fingers–nothing that really knocked me down, but caused me concern because I didn’t feel normal. I had psoriasis for 30 years by that point. After my diagnosis of PsA for several years it continued to get worse, a lot like how you’ve described your situation, until damage occurred and I finally went on a biologic, which helped considerably, except where the damage is…the flu-like feeling and constant fatigue are gone and the tendonitis is virtually non-existent.
I’m sure you’ll continue doctoring to get to the bottom of what exactly it is that’s giving you all this grief–it would be interesting to know what the diagnosis turns out to be! Good luck and take care!

Wow, Adie, it sounded like PsA to me! If Dr. Ellie says it’s not, though, I think I’d trust her. (Anybody lower in the pecking order, probably not.)

But please remember, even people who Dr.Ellie says don’t have it can get PsA down the road. :blush: So don’t forget we’re here! We enjoyed your company, and we won’t wish PsA on you, but we’d take you back anytime.

Go to your settings and adjust them so that you don’t get notifications from us. That way, you can come back any time you want, even if it’s just for a chat.

All the best to you


She is lovely isn’t she? Glad about your news too. Best of luck with it all and take care.

Hi Adie. Great news! I hope you won’t ever need us!

But … (I wish I didn’t feel the need to come in with a but, but it is just a little one). About 17 years ago I damaged my Achilles tendon while playing squash & that was the last time I played. At first the doctors at A&E thought I’d ruptured it but to their surprise that wasn’t the case and I recovered without interventions. A few years later tennis went the same way as I kept getting something or other, tennis elbow I suppose, every time I played. In retrospect I see these events as precursors to PsA although I wouldn’t have expected any doctor to diagnose it at the time as in other respects I felt pretty good during those years.

All I’m saying is do the (almost) impossible, i.e. banish thoughts of PsA and get on with your life while filing away a mental note that it’s a possibility and that if it did come along then prompt treatment would be desirable.