Lamb, you should contact the Make a Wish foundation for an airplane.
tntlamb said:
I don't want to get into a Tramadol debate, It is considered an
opiaiid as opposed to an opiate. iIts a synthetic. supposedly it won't give you a high, so you won't get hooked. Thats true you won't get addicted, but you most certainly will get dependent. Its easier to get off morphine. There have been serious attempts to get it off the market, Stadol is gone and so should this one.
I'm not saying there isn't a need for these things short term, there is. But the synthetics have proven to have as many if not more problems tha any pain med
Great idea, Lamb. We have such an occupationally diverse group here, I’m sure we could staff the plane with fellow PsA’ers. Flight Attendants, pilots, add in a few nurses and docs. I’m sure, somewhere in our ranks are some entertainers too. Oh, and did I hear you say that for in-flight entertainment you’d supply all of your college football videos? You’re onto something here.
tntlamb said:
GOOD for you, we'll be with you.
I'm planning little get PsA together. We have a sommlier (seenie) now we a have chef. and bootlegger (me) Al we need is a very rich person with a large airplane to get everybody to the same spot.
Hi ChefWith PSA,I use a reflex roller for my feet and it helps tremendously. My feet are my biggest PsA problem, other than fatigue. I have a reflex roller at work and at home. I don't know if it will help you. I have inflammation in my tendons, not swollen joints in my feet. I also use a lacrosse ball and roll it back and forth under my feet. Here's a link to the reflex roller.
Frances, what a great hint. My feet are my problem point too (now that my hip’s been replaced!) and I’ve been thinking that massage might be a help. This looks ideal. Thanks!
I'm so glad my info is helpful and I hope it helps you also! I keep a lacrosse ball in my purse and use is for my feet and hips. I roll the lacrosse ball up and down my hip and butt area against a wall. It's been a life saver for me!
Seenie said:
Frances, what a great hint. My feet are my problem point too (now that my hip's been replaced!) and I've been thinking that massage might be a help. This looks ideal. Thanks!