Hey everyone, I know the topic of the meds and side effects have been discussed many times over and over, so I don’t mean to beat a dead horse here, however I just wanted to get people’s opinions on methotrexate specifically.
I believe I have an un-natural fear of this drug and I’m not sure why. Long story short I was put on sulfasalazine and ended up being allergic to it. So my Rheumatologist just proscribed methotrexate. He said his goal is to get me on a biologic as soon as he can. He even told me that if it was up to him he wouldn’t have me on the MTX but my insurance requires me to fail 2 DMARDS before allowing me to take a bio, so he is going to put me on for 6 weeks, and if I don’t have a huge improvement attempt to put me on a biologic. He even said if I wanted, he would take me off the MTX and put me on a bio only.
Anyway here are my specific concerns about the MTX. I have has asthma all my life, so I have always been concerned about my lungs. My #1 fear of MTX are the Pulmonary risks. I know is some cases it can cause pulmonary fibrosis which is not reversible even in low arthritis doses. Does anyone know how likely this is? I realize this is rare, and I know my fear of the drug is unnaturally high, but for some reason I can’t seem to get past it.
Also my doctor said that recent studys have shown that in PsA specifically MTX may relieve symptoms but may not actually slow the progression of the disease like Biologics might… Has anyone else heard this?
Bottom line, I guess im concerned about taking the MTX especially since my DR said if it wasent for insurance, he would just put me straight on a biologic and skip the MTX. I feel like im taking an unnecessary risk. Is that crazy of me?
I have been speaking with a close friend of mine, and they suggested if I was this worried, to just wait out the 6 weeks and say I took the MTX so I could be approved for the biologic and not actually take it. Morally I don’t think I would be comfortable lying like that to the DR, so I don’t think that is the right choice for me…
Anyway sorry for the long post. I hope everyone is doing well