Looking for some advice

Hi all I was diagnosed with PsA two years ago, I recently changed my rheumatologist as I went back to work and the hospital is literally two mins away from where I work, which makes it a bit easier for me lol shorter walking distance ha ha, it's taken me ages to get to see the new rheumatologist but I'm not complaining as soon as I saw her for the first time she checked me over completely and sent me for various test just to see what stage I'm at right now, I have recently had hand & feet xray's, chest & pelvis and an MRI as I am suffering a lot of pain in my lower back and hips, today I am going for ultra sounds on my hands and feet, all in all I cant complain about the level of care I'm receiving.

I was on methotrexate when I was first diagnosed but unfortunately this really left me feeling really poorly it was working great on my psoriasis but wasn't doing anything for the pain, I was taking it once a week as prescribed but for four days after I was sick dizzy and basically like a walking zombie which with work was no good for me, at one point I was taking 137 tablets a week so neither wonder I was dizzy, I have tried every pain killer available and none of them worked for me finally the doctor suggested Liquid morphine which is great for the pain and so far I haven't had any adverse side affects, so this is where I'm at up to now my biggest problem other than the pain is lack of sleep, I seem to only be able to get 1-2 hours sleep a night as I cant seem to get comfortable, my rheumatologist is also going to refer me to ocuppational therapy and the physiotherapist so hopefully things will improve, thanks for listening to me rant on but most people don't understand the severe pain I'm in and just think its me being lazy, as some days I struggle to even get out of bed, I guess I'm lucky as I have three very supportive daughters who help me out a lot and understand when mam is having a bad day I can't do a lot, I was just wondering if anyone else is suffering from lack of sleep and also does anyone else feel constantly cold :-)

Following this because I am having some sleep issues, mostly due to pain in my legs, at the moment & I struggle with cold. I have issues with the office at work where everyone wants the aircon going full bore on about 21 and I am generally sitting there in the middle of our summer with a jacket on and my coat over my knees. I find that if the nights get cool I get relief from a woolen underlay/electric blanket. I warm the bed so I never get in cold and the wool tends to keep it warm.

Welcome Jojo. I hope you find this forum useful and will participate at share your knowledge with us.



I have tried Amitriptyline or however you spell it (I cant spell most of the things related to this disease lol) it gave me the most horrendous nightmares and made my face swell but on the plus side according to my latest scan results I have no inflammation in my hands and feet well not on that day anyway, and thanks Becstar I think a heated blanket might just do the trick will certainly invest in one, most days I wear an over sized cardigan to keep me warm when I'm at work, I'm now of the conclusion that I need to start wearing elasticated trousers as I find them much easier to put on no buttons or zips which I struggle with early on a morning until my fingers have decided to uncramp, had all my results back except my MRI ones wondering if there must be something wrong there as all others have come back normal??? anyway enough ranting today must get out and buy some new trousers, wishing you all a pain free day would be nice wouldn't it ha ha