I am glad to introduce you to the wonderful community of Living With PsA! I am sorry to hear about how PsA has forced you to change your lifestyle - this is indeed a sentiment that is shared by our many members. I’m sure being a single mother is already tiring enough, so striving to remain active must be ever the more difficult with the added pain and fatigue. Fortunately, our many helpful members here are great at providing emotional support and some useful personal experiences. So please don’t hesitate to start getting involved in discussions!
The “Guide” tab provides a PDF file with some useful beginner tips - but otherwise good luck and contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you! Sorry had a busy weekend and never got to my emails, but was happy to be welcomed to the group! It’s great to know there is a support system that actually understands what I’m physically and mentally going through! You were spot on with how I’m doing, fighting through the fatigue for all the end of the year events for my 10 year old son that’s moving up to middle school. Its taking a toll on me but I’m fighting through it each morning and resting/recovering the other half of day so I can take on the next day. I borrowed too many spoons over the weekend and have been paying for it today. But again; Thank you for welcoming me to the group and I look forward to getting to know and be there for other members. Hope everyone is doing well as can be! I will check out the guide pdf, thanks again!
Hello New Yorker! I am a recovering New York myself! lol Sorry that PsA is dragging you down. The fatigue and pain are difficult to live with, but, as the old saying goes, “It beats the alternative!” Try to keep or seek out the humor in each day, even when you just want to cry and throw an elaborate pity party. Optimism and humor are absolute musts! (At least those are my defenses.) It’s true that feeling bad most of the time is difficult. But we can still take joy in the love we feel from and for others. (Especially our kids!) Also, there is beauty to be found all around you. There is plenty of experience and wisdom to be found on this site. Utilize corporate knowledge about life with PsA. I hope you will choose to resist the tempation to look down, when you can keep resolute and look up, Blessings!