High tnf blood level?

Ugly feet, high tnf on its own means that your tumor necrosis factor is higher than most people’s. In all my time here, as a matter of fact, I’ve never heard of anyone having their tnf tested. So I’m at a bit of a loss there.

CASPAR” is the set of criteria most rheumatologists use to diagnose PsA. You’ll notice it says nothing about blood tests.

I know, this is all very worrying: we’ve been there. Nobody wants this damned disease, but if you do have PsA, you’re still far better off knowing that than not.

As for Biologics, they are now the gold standard treatment for PsA. We’ve just had a long discussion about fear of biologics. Have a read! As I said there, I too was scared of the biologics, but I was also scared of what was happening to me, my joints, and my quality of life. There’s plenty to be scared of when PsA comes into your life: myself, I’d prefer to be scared of something that we know for sure has a good chance of mitigating the wide-ranging potential damage of this disease.

Nothing’s easy about this, is it?