Hello from North Carolina. New kid on the block

Hi Doug, glad you’ll talk to them. It’s been good reading your post - I also had the hard and fast onset that scared the bejesus out of me at a similar age.

5 years in, I’ve had a good run with Humira, but I’ve been wondering for a while if it’s not being quite so effective. Like you, I’m setting that alarm 30-45 mins earlier than I should have to…

I’ll try taking some concrete first, wait for summer (though I’m in Qld, Australia, so my winters hardly cold by most standards :joy:), but it might soon be time for me to move on to my next biologics relationship!

@Sybil @Jen75 I’ve been on methotrexate for about 3 1/2 months since I was diagnosed with psa. I definitely know it’s helping I went from not being able to walk to walking some what normal again in about the first month and a half of the methotrexate. They do have me on a daily folic acid and I only drink water once I found out I had psa I cut out all soda and all sugars that arnt natural. Yeah bathrooms or sitting are still an struggle. It’s always embarrassing when I’m out and I catch people seeing me struggle to sit down or get up but I just imagine them all in the underwear and it makes me feel better. I’m hoping with the increase in my meds that the pain will lower more but I’m okay if that doesn’t happen. I have good days and bad days I think what gets me the most is it has effected my job some, for the most part I suck it up and hide the pain, as well as I have learned to do some things differently. @Seenie lol nagging just means you care. I’m trying to be better at talking about what hurts to the doctor it’s a challenge for me but I know I can only handle so much before my body just shuts down. @Jen75 I’ve heard good stuff about humira my ain’t was recently diagnosed with psa as well and that’s what they put her on right away it seems to be helping her. I just want to get away from any of them that can cause birth defects I’d like to become a father soon and don’t want to risk having a child while I’m on these drugs. I don’t know what to do about that expect put children off until there is a point in my job where I won’t be doing alot of moving around hopefully I’ll figure something out. Side not stairs are truly evil for me going up or down is a challenge what I’m trying to say it thank you to whoever created elevators and escalators lol


Thee people who care don’t matter, the people who matter don’t care… I try to remind myself of that whenever I feel like one of my co workers acts like they want me to do more/faster… if they want me to hurt as much as it hurts for me to do that I don’t care about doing it for them! (Emphasis on try…)



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Thanks! Glad to be here

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