Failed Enbrel:-(

So, the fairly inevitable has happened. Enbrel has stopped working for me. I've just had a steroid injection to help me out as everything hurts and I'm in a bad old state. I'm starting leflunomide next week, and am dreading it (I can't take methotrexate because of the side effects) and then I'm starting Stelara. The worst thing was my rheumy said "Oh damn, we're starting to run out of options". I'm 41. I *need* options.

Sorry for the wallowing. Really sad at the mo.

I’m sorry.

Using leflunomide with a new biologic should work similarly to MTX with a biologic to slow down the development of antibodies to the med. Isnt the newest thinking that you might be able to circle back to biologics over time?

Oh no. Your despondency is absolutely understandable, I'd be sad too.

I second what Stoney says about the second time around possibility, I've heard that too. And, actually, aren't new treatment options emerging all the time?

You know where we are if you want to offload. Good luck with Leflunomide and then Stelara drnick.

Ugh. Not happy news, is it? How long were you on Enbrel before it pooped out on you?

Last year in March my rheumatologist said he thought I was beginning to have more disease activity. I was given the choice of changing biologics then, or taking a wait and see approach. I chose wait and see, silly me. I went downhill, and by the time October came 'round, I knew I had to change. I switched to Humira and then it was another several months before it got traction. I hope you were quicker to switch than I was!

One of my worries was "running out of options" too. And you are, as your rheum pointed out, down to a short list. But if you think of it, by the time it will take you to your way through even that short list, there will probably be more options which come available. Changes in PsA treatment are advancing quickly, and hopefully faster than you go through them.

Good luck on the leflunomide. Been there, done that, it had no effect on me but with any luck it will slow your body's reaction to the Stelara. Try not to overthink this one: the treatment landscape is very different now than it was in 2000, when there were almost no treatment options at all, and biologics hadn't emerged yet.

All the best! Nice to hear from you again, even if your news wasn't the greatest. Stick around, won't you?


Thanks guys, I really appreciate you taking the time to listen to me moaning! The depomedrone injection I had on Monday is now making me feel as sick as a dog, so I'm really looking forward to the first leflunomide tablet. Ho hum.