Well there’s little point in you turning up to any of these daily activities without your head in the right space, is there? Getting your head in the right space first makes all these activities better not just for you but for everyone else too. And secondly it’s like laying down foundation bricks for a more stable building of your future with a disease like PsA and indeed Crohns which can also be awfully ‘horrid’ too.
Presently from what you’ve said you’re in the middle of ‘horrid’ and feeling overwhelmed and reeling. I’d start exploring those psychological supports right now, consequently. I couldn’t presently do any yoga given PsA issues and all swimming pools in the UK are shut. Time problem for me then solved. Seriously though engaging in this psychological support is invaluable. It takes usually merely nearly an hour a week. It’s doable very much so provided of course you ‘want’ to do it. If you don’t want to, there will always be the excuses of no time.