COVID decreased my pain?!

Is this diagnosed w psoriatic arthritis about 12 years go I have been on many biologics over the years without much relief. I am on an NSAID and opiates currently and my pain has been pretty stable. I was started on Humira again because it’s the only biologic that I could tolerate w/ a financial assistance program that I qualified for. I had been on it before without any relief of symptoms and saw no difference when I started it about 4-5 months ago.
I got COVID for the first time last week. One morning I woke up and didn’t feel like I needed my oxycodone 10mg. I’m still on the fentanyl but I haven’t taken any oxycodone for days, the longest I’ve ever gone since my diagnosis 12 years ago. I had been taking it every 3 hours, 5 times daily. I have some mild pain and am taking tylenol BID.
Has anyone experienced this or seen any data on COVID helping autoimmune diseases? I wonder if it distracted my immune system or something?

Wow! So … am I reading this correctly, you’ve just gone without oxycodone for the longest time in 12 years due to reduced pain levels?! That must feel pretty good. I’m assuming it’s okay to suddenly stop that drug …(?). But to answer your question, I have found that colds, 'flu, covid seem to quieten PsA and as I recall it’s quite a common experience. ‘Distracted immune system’ is probably a fair description. Long may that last for you.

Yes! Pain dramatically reduced on day 6 or so, when I was through the worst if it. I’m hoping that it lasts!

That’s really wild! I have had the experience that when I am sick that my pain level is decreased, but it comes back when I start to feel better. Typically. That’s interesting that you are feeling less need for pain meds even as you’re getting better. Fingers crossed it sticks around

I had my first bout of Covid this past January. I felt run down by the virus, of course, but otherwise felt better than I had in years. It allowed me to sleep through the night, which is something that never happens under normal circumstances, and I believe that was the key. I’ve since (jokingly) hoped that I’ll catch it again!

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I’ve had it four times, twice pretty badly. I’ll take a hard pass

Have you had it in the last year with the newer variants?

A year ago August was the last time