Ccp antibodies raised without rheuma?

hey all!

I have a question concerning the CCP antibodies.
I’ve tried really hard, but google doesn’t give me the answers I am looking for, so I’m trying here…
is there any condition or “normal stuff” in the body that could cause the CCP AB to rise without anything RA-related happening?
thing is, my CCP were slightly raised (>24, which, I know, isn’t much, but it’s /there/ and it was marked with an ! by the lab)
since my rheumatologist said I likely don’t have RA, I’m now trying to find anything that would make the antibodies appear that isn’t rheuma.
('cept if it’s 100% rheuma related, then I need to see a new doc)

does anyone have any articles or knowledge about this? Google always just gives me stuff that says they’re directly linked to RA and nothing else :confused: