Anti-TNF/Biologics on NHS?

Just wondering how long people have had to wait to get onto these drugs on NHS? NICE guidelines state to qualify the person need have 3 or more swollen and 3 or more tender joints and not responded to adequate trials of at least two standard DMARDS (cheap drugs) - but does not state how long an adequate trial is?

I am struggling on methotrexate and sulfasalazine, and still getting new symptoms/joints flaring up but have only been on meds 6 months!

Would really appreciate others experience on this, I appreciate how costly theses drugs are and NHS resources are limited etc but want my life back too...

You may have already read this, but I thought I'd post it anyway. Do you have problems with 3 or more joints? If not, does anything hurt you, say your jaw or your back?

I agree with you about the use of resources. The drugs are expensive but taking care of someone on disability is many times more expensive.

I have problems with all toes, left ankle, left knee,both hips, both shoulders, have had 7 steroid injections in the last year and a hip arthroscopy already due to damage caused and want to avoid more surgery and preserve my joints as long as possible, arhhh, currently still working full time- for the NHS ironically so am very aware of the constraints...