A Little Freaked - How fast did you progess

Hello, my name is Keith.

The last few weeks have absoultely sucked becuase my body has hurt and I have nerve test, CT scans, MRI's and 15 vials of blood drawn. I have had psoriasis since I was a few months old, and was really hoping that it was Lyme disease or something (I don't camp but I'am an optimist).

I went from being a "little fatigued" to fire engine red feet and fluid in my knees in a few months is this normal? How fast does it continue to progress. I would greatly appreciate any personal knowlege\experience you could share.

I don't got much to offer any of you right know, but give me a year or so, and that will change.



Hi, I had the same question. Mine was sausage finger in April, low back and hip, and then my wrist in 3 months. Everyone is different. We are here for you!!

You may not progress at all or much if the treatment plan works AND you follow it. FWI over 80% don't.

It's different for everyone. I have particularly aggressive PsA / spondylitis that progressed quickly after years of small ups and downs. The hope is that once we find a treatment that works, progress will be slowed or stopped.