Seeking good news

I have a success story (at least for now). Three years ago I was bedridden and couldn’t breathe; the PSA (then undiagnosed) was causing inflammation in my lungs. I have had P so bad in my scalp small children could be in peril from what would shake off my head. My elbows bled regularly. People can tell bad days by a spot of P on my wrist; ok day it was scaly, bad day bleeding. I needed to get up every 10 minutes to stretch or plan on walking like my grandmother for hours after (PS- my little old Sicilian grandmother fell from a window as a child and broke both of her legs - just to help the visual along). Wonder of biologics faded quickly. Supplemental drugs (*insert choice chemo-like drug here) only succeeded in increased bruising and decreased hair. Next step was infusions - unless I was interested in this new drug Otezla. Doc didn’t have high hopes as it’s not as strong as the biologics, but it’s a different compound.

Jump to the GREAT NEWS- almost 2 months in and…BEST CHECKUP EVER!

Give new an R, E, M, I, S, S, I, O, N!!!

Love your great news, CandiP !!! Glad you're having success cuz it sounds like you've had some rough times. :-)

CandiP said:

I have a success story (at least for now). Three years ago I was bedridden and couldn't breathe; the PSA (then undiagnosed) was causing inflammation in my lungs. I have had P so bad in my scalp small children could be in peril from what would shake off my head. My elbows bled regularly. People can tell bad days by a spot of P on my wrist; ok day it was scaly, bad day bleeding. I needed to get up every 10 minutes to stretch or plan on walking like my grandmother for hours after (PS- my little old Sicilian grandmother fell from a window as a child and broke both of her legs - just to help the visual along). Wonder of biologics faded quickly. Supplemental drugs (*insert choice chemo-like drug here) only succeeded in increased bruising and decreased hair. Next step was infusions - unless I was interested in this new drug Otezla. Doc didn't have high hopes as it's not as strong as the biologics, but it's a different compound.

Jump to the GREAT NEWS- almost 2 months in and....BEST CHECKUP EVER!

Give new an R, E, M, I, S, S, I, O, N!!!!!!!!

Thanks Sybil and wishing you all the best with Humira. You're right about getting off the merry go round. Each little bit of progress helps. A couple of weeks ago I looked down at my feet and realized my sausage toes were gone! I was giddy with happiness! I
sybil said:

It sounds like we're in a similar place Cece, we've been on this road for the same length of time & I've been through a fair few meds too, though all DMARDs till now. Just started Humira and the hope is that it will bring down my seemingly permanent swellings .... and I think it just might be doing that.

And I think we feel the same, just want to find a drug that does the job & get off the merry-go-round. I hope Cimzia keeps delivering for you, thanks for this good news!

cece said:

Two and a half years and 5 different meds later, and I'm getting there. I failed on MTX, Humira brought down the swelling but that's it, Enbrel didn't do much and Simponi wore off after the first week. Finally, Cimzia seems to be doing the trick. The stiffness in my good hand is for the most part gone and I've gone from crushing fatigue to mostly just tired Most days now I feel pretty good and there have been a few when I've felt great - like what I remember normal feeling like. So I'm happy and hoping Cimizia takes me through the long haul.

Hi Sybil, I just had my 6th shot of Enbrel and am doing fairly well. I can now open doors and even a jar some days. That being said I have a long way to go. My wrists and thumbs continue to give me trouble as some of the worst areas hit by PsA. Then there is my right foot. I'm trying really hard to get back into a proper exercise schedule but am not quite there yet. Not being able to jog makes this difficult and and can't lift anything heavy. I have lost a lot of muscle mass. Although I have more energy I am still not without fatigue.

All in all, most things are looking pretty positive. I still have some issues with depression. Days where I'm busy are always better. I haven't been around much partly because I don't want to continue to complain or repeat what I've said before. I'd rather pop in once in a while and offer some encouragement to others :) That makes me feel better.