Overwhelmed ... but seeking professional help

I agree 100 percent with lamb. We all want pain relief but I have watched my husband go through the addiction and then the withdrawals from the pain relievers and then differnent Dr. puts him back on an addictive substance and we go through the cycle over and over again instead of treatment. He lives in a cloud of non -emotion, rebound pain and misery because of this.


**Warning: controversial subject ahead:**

I guarantee that if they would legalize medical marijuana in my state I'd be all over that in a heartbeat. I'd rather use cannabis than opiates any day of the week. However, I have teenage children and will not go the route of surreptitiously buying an illegal substance to relieve my pain symptoms. Too much at stake for the insane "war on drugs" laws, and I do NOT want to set a bad example for my kids.

I'm furious for you that your rheumatologist is so dismissive. How inappropriate!! I started Remicade yesterday and due to failing on many meds, expressed fear of this one not working, as well. I was told there are MANY more options if Remicade doesn't work. I've been on sulfasalazine, methotrexate, Arava, and Humira. So I thought I'd run the gamut. Not so. The infusion nurse rattled off at least 7 other things to try that I've never heard of. Please get yourself a new rheumatologist!!

Good for you for seeking counseling. I think we all need it from time to time. I'm going to go that route again soon, myself.

I'm sorry about your friend. No advice there. I'm glad you have this online community to come to. It certainly is so beneficial.

I hope things turn around for you soon!!

Driving on Tramadol BTW in 27 states is a considered Aggravated DUI and carries MANDATORY PRISON time of up to 3 years. (I'm not talking about sleeping it off in the county pokey) It will have discernable blood levels for as long a 36 hours after taking.

Warning - controversial content

Timberwolf 329 was on the money for some people. I live in Washington state, so you all know where this is leading before I go there.

I use it in the a.m. before I stretch and do my yoga and in the p.m. when I am getting ready for bed, as my relaxation therapy, not as a pain reliever. I never once worked will I was under the influence. I don't drive, operate any machinery or commit any illegal offense, as there are rules that you must follow in order to do this properly.

First of all I don't do this around my children( grown and gone) nor my grandchildren, and I do not present myself in public after use. I do not spend money on this, it is a regular part of my gardening so I'm not out making a score or any thing. (ok here, rules on amount, still considered recreational)) I am simply an old hippie that asked about the relief this offered and have benefited naturally at no ones expense.( go ahead and scream at me I understand the controversy). This is something I can discuss openly with my medical providers.

I am well aware that I can be classed as an addict and I accept that. I was merely hoping yesterday that everyone understands the effects of some medical go-to's, as lamb so effectively provided for us. I sincerely hope that each of us finds the relief and support that benefits our individual needs with out endangering any one else. Thanks Timberwolf for bring up a subject I was afraid to broach, but needed to address :)

Happy to cause chaos and controversy where 'ere I go :D

Love you for it kiddo..let's sit back and see what hits the fan:)

Hello Dandlyons,

There are so many feelings and thoughts I am experiencing on behalf of you, for you, that I don’t know where to begin. Firstly, nice to meet you, my name is Linda and I live in Australia, in a small country town. I am a retired psychologist and only 40, and now I run my own craft business with my partner. Hopefully, I am not so much another stranger in a post to you :slight_smile: after filling you on some basics about myself now.

Now on with you, I would say that your Dr friend issue is the priority emotionally at the moment and yes, it does stink that you have to pay someone to listen to you, but, at least you are braving it and doing it. You will feel better for this choice! Please remember, you don’t have to stick with that psychologist if you don’t feel a connection, you can choose another. In my opinion,your Dr friend is backing off from you because he deals with unwell people all the time and wants their spare time to be filled with the opposite. Sucks I know. Your friend can no longer do the things they enjoyed doing in the relationship with you such as travelling etc, so they feel disappointed and is avoiding you. This does not make this ok. I would feel hurt, abandoned, angry and disillusioned. You should not have to beg for friendship in times of trouble. Consider joining another online forum in an area of interest, eg, photography, art, books, etc, so you can meet people online with sumilar interests and remember, online friends can also meet up in person too.

Onto your rheumy; your pragmatic approach makes sense given you are relocating and you are just sticking it out, however, this so-called ‘professional’ is not even keeping correct notes and is dismissive. He is essentially, diminishing hope and making you feel worse. Start looking for a new rheumy now! Your general doctor, is bound by ethics and cannot step on specialist’s toes, so to speak. He is playing it safe, by redirecting you to your rheumy. Once, you find a good rheumy, things will pick up for you emotionally and hopefully, physically.
Have you thought about placing a post on here, asking people if they can recommend a great rheumy in your desired location. Keep a list of at least three and ring them up!

I hope this helps. Be in touch!

Linda :slight_smile:

I too am in WA state, and I have had several medical practitioners suggest I might benefit from MMJ. Unfortunately I've still got kids at home, or I would be using. Several people in my autoimmune disease support group, especially those without insurance, find MMJ is very effective for their various issues (mainly for sleep at night, and for bouts of overwhelming pain).

We've discussed MMJ on here before, it's not that controversial.

crazylady said:

I am well aware that I can be classed as an addict and I accept that. I was merely hoping yesterday that everyone understands the effects of some medical go-to's, as lamb so effectively provided for us. I sincerely hope that each of us finds the relief and support that benefits our individual needs with out endangering any one else. Thanks Timberwolf for bring up a subject I was afraid to broach, but needed to address :)

I agree. I've tried Tramadol, and had some pretty nasty side effects (depression, unable to think, wooziness, plus I just felt like something was really wrong with this med). My dog was on Tramadol a few years ago for severe arthritis pain, and even MY DOG couldn't tolerate it without random vomiting and being drugged out of his mind, while still being in pain. Got the dog on something else and he did great.

The synthetic opiates are just AWFUL.

tntlamb said:

Tramadol needs off the market pure and simple. I have no clue as to how well it works in regards to pain control nor do I care. There has not been an Opiod (synthetic) not one that hasn't caused more psychological pain and grief than the good they have done starting with demerol to stadol and now tramadol. There are a number of reasons its available still, but it won't bwe long. PLEASE do not be fooled. You are better off with real opiates if need be.

aw man...Marietta! You are ruining my fun! LOL I know it isn't all that controversial, except in some circles the topic can bring out the best and worst in people.

Right about now, I'm wishing there was something that could help me sleep, because I've tried a LOT of things - over the counter meds, prescription meds, meditation, deep breathing, creative visualization, hot tea, hot chocolate, even warm milk (shudder). I used to take enough meds that my doc said it should tranquilize a horse, but nothing seems to help. I tried to go to bed early tonight because I'm sick and I've been miserable all day, but nada. ah well. There's always reading my old college textbooks. Those things are enough to encourage catatonia in almost anyone!

Where it becomes controversial is when in the course of rationalizing its use, until folk start endowing it with curative powers. I have no problem with weed anymore than I do alcohol. Opium was used as a social drug long before and long after it had medical use.

Smoke one kind to get high, smoke another to get mellow, bake with it cook with it make brownies (especially make brownies) But don't pretend that the medical mj movement has anything to do with medicine. The use of drugs is not limited to humans and has purpose.

Just be thankful we are not like a particular breed walabies who only have sex after grazing on poppies, otherwise nothing would get done

Wow! I'm a little embarrassed to say this, but I took Tramadol for a couple years. My pain basically laughed at it and I felt no tiredness, dizziness or other impairment. It sort of took the edge off the pain, that's it. Methotrexate messed with my liver soon after starting it. Humira did nothing for me. I have just recently started taking Norco. I fought taking something this strong for a long time but the pain is unbearable. Even with it, I have trouble getting around. I also take Feldene. I have severe osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis and fibromyalgia. It seems like the rheumatologist blames one or the other ailments for the pain without getting to the bottom of anything. A physical rehab dr. did exams and EMGs and said he will not send me for therapy because it will not help me. I am 56 years old and after having worked and lead an active life forever it's almost unbearable that I can barely get out of the house between the pain and fatigue.

The weed isn't a pain killer, it has no medicinal curative powers as far as I know and should be considered recreation the same as alcohol and used in moderation...it is a stress reliever . The brownies are great as well, I have to admit I have a friend who makes the best butter/pesto : )

Since I have migraines, both PsA with AS complications and osteo there are days I would spend the entire day vomiting without the relief of the stress the makes me nauseous. When those muscles in the back of my neck contract I get ill immediately. So I use what I have available, the good old heating pad, spa tub and muscle rub along with the standard hippy cure all . I have tried several other natural therapies as well but I have severe reservations about trusting my life St. Johns Wort or Valerian or Comphrey. I have the comfort of knowing what I am ingesting and what is on it. I have such tender skin now that I cannot touch any insecticide or fertilizer. No chemicals for this Hanford Nuclear Downwinder. My skin has healed and it is now burn victim skin.Pretty but fragile as hell.

I am fifty five and realized last night that I am no longer the life of the party. Left here at six thirty to attend and was home by eight fifteen. I just could not do it. I wanted to very much and I was sad to leave but I am learning to accept.I didn't do anything to do this to myself, no one else did anything to me and to put it like Katy Perry "I was born this way!".

I still have not had anything other than Kenolog and Naproxin prescribed to help me cope with the joint and tendon issues that are very clear on my x-rays. My psoriasis has been the priority for the last two years. It is under good control now and I have insurance to cover all three of the specialists. I think I am coming to acceptance this week and I am hopeful for my future after the worst roller coaster ride in my life. I would wish this for each of you as well, as all of you are a part of that acceptance. You accept me for who I am so why shouldn't I ? (hugs)

LOL : just read an ad for Reumatologists in "Sunny warm, center of the arts and recreation, with excellent advancement opportunities...skiing and boating" in my local want ads!!!!! Looks like the wait at the doc's might not be so long ..... Wonder how long they stay when they find about the nine feet of snow sometimes? :)

I don't know what you are emdarrassed about........

Who's prescribing your Norco? Its not often used for our kind of pain as it frequently increases joint pain for PsA and fibro. The studies linking hydrocodone to joint pain are starting to avalanche, If you had liver ptoblems with MTX I'd be watching really close, the acetaminophen in norco isn't exactly liver friendly. You have a tough combo. Hang in there.

Dedecee said:

Wow! I'm a little embarrassed to say this, but I took Tramadol for a couple years. My pain basically laughed at it and I felt no tiredness, dizziness or other impairment. It sort of took the edge off the pain, that's it. Methotrexate messed with my liver soon after starting it. Humira did nothing for me. I have just recently started taking Norco. I fought taking something this strong for a long time but the pain is unbearable. Even with it, I have trouble getting around. I also take Feldene. I have severe osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis and fibromyalgia. It seems like the rheumatologist blames one or the other ailments for the pain without getting to the bottom of anything. A physical rehab dr. did exams and EMGs and said he will not send me for therapy because it will not help me. I am 56 years old and after having worked and lead an active life forever it's almost unbearable that I can barely get out of the house between the pain and fatigue.

So Dandlyons, sorry I preempted your discussion a bit, that was so not my intention. How are you feeling? What can I, and the group as a whole do to help you get on an even keel? We care about you, and want you to find peace. From your last post, it seems that you are working your way towards that elusive point where you are ok with things, and may possibly even be feeling optimistic again, and that is a good thing. Have any of the suggestions been ones that you think you can do?

How did your appointment go? Hope things are looking up!! I know I can't possibly understand exactly how you feel right now but, there is support here. We have all been down and in a depression at some point. It's a very hard life for us.

"And tomorrow I have to walk into the office of some stranger and basically pay him to listen... and that just strikes me as very sad."

It's my rheumatologist who prescribed the Norco. To be honest I think he just is out of ideas what to do with me. He didn't seem overly well versed in this disease from the beginning. I keep threatening to get a different one. I really hate to start over but I think I really need to.

tntlamb said:

I don't know what you are emdarrassed about........

Who's prescribing your Norco? Its not often used for our kind of pain as it frequently increases joint pain for PsA and fibro. The studies linking hydrocodone to joint pain are starting to avalanche, If you had liver ptoblems with MTX I'd be watching really close, the acetaminophen in norco isn't exactly liver friendly. You have a tough combo. Hang in there.

Dedecee said:

Wow! I'm a little embarrassed to say this, but I took Tramadol for a couple years. My pain basically laughed at it and I felt no tiredness, dizziness or other impairment. It sort of took the edge off the pain, that's it. Methotrexate messed with my liver soon after starting it. Humira did nothing for me. I have just recently started taking Norco. I fought taking something this strong for a long time but the pain is unbearable. Even with it, I have trouble getting around. I also take Feldene. I have severe osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis and fibromyalgia. It seems like the rheumatologist blames one or the other ailments for the pain without getting to the bottom of anything. A physical rehab dr. did exams and EMGs and said he will not send me for therapy because it will not help me. I am 56 years old and after having worked and lead an active life forever it's almost unbearable that I can barely get out of the house between the pain and fatigue.

I know I'm late to the conversation but this "he said none of the medications or biologics work well for PsA." among other things in your post, says your Rheum is a fruitcake and you should run, walk, hobble, crawl or ride away from him PDQ. He's nuts.

Are Biologics going to work the same for everyone? No.

And is all of your pain from PSA only? No.

Do we have co-morbidities? Yes.

But we still don't completely dismiss a class of drugs that clearly DO work for some, and a Dr, who does so is not the one for any of us. It may take a year to see results. So? That doesn't mean they don't work. It means some of us are slow to respond.

Because I had TB as an infant, all my docs were scared to let me try a biologic so I suffered for a long time. But once they were all on board, I went on one. Though the road has been long and rocky and I'm not consistently okay, the inflammation is down from where it had skyrocketed (30 times normal), skin is incredibly improved, joint damage is under control, and PSA is manageable. I'm able to do the dishes from start to finish now, where before it was quite the process to do that simple task let alone anything beyond bare bones basics. I was living on sandwiches and potato chips. On really bad days I lived on potato chips alone because I could at least get the bag open, they were easy to eat and there was no prep or dishes. (Oh food allergies seriously limited my choices on anything prepped). Anyway my point is not to whine about how sick I was, but to say get to someone who is going to take better care of you than that nutcase.

As for friends (and family)? Nothing beats having a serious and incurable chronic illness and being unable to get well and for long periods even unable to see any improvement to sort the wheat from the chaff. It's a real eyeopener as to who is true and who isn't. We certainly have to practice a lot of forgiveness to go on sometimes.